Chapter 8

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It's the next day and the group walks into the lobby, it's time to think of another plan while they wait for X's voice.

"Are you guys ready for the game this time?" says Chase.

"Not at all, it's not like we have a choice though," says Blake.

"I agree with Blake, I hate this game," says Lexi.

"Let's try not to be too negative. You know, we're actually a bit more used to it this time, maybe we can all escape unscathed this time," says Ana.

"That's true, Ana, you're really smart!" says Carly.

Ana covers her face with one hand and turns away, "What? It's nothing, it's what anyone would say."

"Alright lovebirds, you can do this later," says Joseph chuckling, "but Ana, you do have a good point, we did try to make strategies last time but they didn't really go well considering, you know, me and chase."

"Do you think we should try thinking of more strategies?" says Rachel.

"Of course! Does anyone have ideas?" says Joseph.

"Wait, didn't Lexi have an idea last time? We were never able to hear what she wanted to say," says Blake.

"Oh yeah, you're right, thanks for reminding me," says Joseph, "Lexi, what was your idea?"

"Um, I was thinking we could get into groups, that way if somebody dies, we could have a better idea of who killed who..." says Lexi.

"Lexi, I think that's a great idea! But wouldn't X just erase our memories as to who as with who?" says Carly.

"Well, I don't think so," Ana points out, "he did say he would erase our memories if anything about roles could be leaked, but he was talking about if that happened during the games, he never said anything about doing it while we were out of the games."

"Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking!" says Lexi.

"Well it's worth a shot," says Joseph, "I'll assign the groups since I don't think we have much time until X comes on the intercom. Lexi, you'll be with me, Ana, and Carly, you two will be a team, and the last three will be Rachel, Blake, and Chase."

"*You have got to be kidding me! Rachel on my team, really?! I have to let Blake know my suspicions about Rachel,*" Chase thinks to himself.

"Hello players!" says X taking over the intercom, "did you guys miss me, I bet you did, how is everyone doing?"

"Stop with the jokes, X. Just get on with it already," says Blake, his tone irritated.

"Jeez, don't get your panties all in a twist! Anyways, we will now begin the 3rd game!"

"Hurry and get it over with!" says Chase.

"Yeah, let's get this over with," says Rachel.

Chase looks back at Rachel as she gives a smile to him, he turns away immediately as X continues with what he was saying.

"Well, if you say so!" says X.

"MANSION HAS BEEN LOADED," says the robotic voice.

"Game starting in 10..."

"Everyone get to your groups!" says Joseph.


"Pleased to be your partner, Ana," says Carly putting out her hand.


"Same here, Carly," says Ana shaking Carly's hand and smiling at her.


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