Chapter 15

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"You guys are very enthusiastic about something that could kill you," says X laughing at his own joke, "but, very well, let's start stage 2. Go to the door that was next to Gadget Blast, the one you guys pointed out earlier."

The players walk over to the door. Chase opens it and everyone has a look of shock on their face.

"What. Is. That?" says Blake.

" 'That' is the second stage, I like to call it, 'The Tower of Misery' " says X.

Inside the door was an obstacle course, but, the catch was that the obstacle course started at the bottom of the room and ended at the very top, everyone had to turn their heads up just to see the end of it.

"The tower of WHAT?" says Lexi.

"Misery. I mean, look at it, does that look easy to you?" says X.

"How many lives do we lose if we can't do this obstacle course..?" says Joseph.

"Ha! You're that scared, aren't you? I wouldn't worry, you only lose half of your lives," says X.

"Can you please just explain this stage?" says Blake still looking up at the obstacle course in shock.

"Gladly. This is the second stage, The Tower of Misery. You will have only 20 minutes to complete the obstacle course, it will be difficult but it's possible, I made sure of that. On the off chance you don't finish, you will only lose half of your lives. The strong suits you need for this stage are speed and strength. If you don't have either of those, go to someone who does, you should be fine from there. Now then, everyone in the door! We need to start!" says X.

Everyone reluctantly goes inside. Once everyone was in, the door slammed shut.

"Typical," says Ana.

"Well, X did try and warn us," says Carly.

"That's true. I wonder if X will still let us go back to the games,"

Everyone turns to Ana with a weird look on their faces.

"... I'm kidding," says Ana.

"Ha! Don't worry, we'll be able to do it, I know it," says Carly turning over and smiling at Ana.

Ana blushes but it leaves almost immediately, "Yeah, you're right," Ana smiles back.

"Ok, who has strength and speed? X said those were the strong suits so we need to locate the people with those," says Ana.

"I have speed, but not strength," says Carly.

"I suppose I have strength? I used to go to the gym every day to lift weights before this all happened," says Joseph.

"I have strength as well, I used to be on the wrestling team at my school," says Rachel.

"Does anyone else have strength or speed?" says Ana.

Everyone else is silent.

"Ok, that's fine, everyone who doesn't have speed or strength, go to someone that does. X said as long as we teamed up with someone with those strong suits we should be fine," says Ana.

"Great memory, Ana! Are we ready to start the second stage?" says X.

"We're ready," says Joseph.

"Amazing. The stage will start in 3, 2, 1... NOW!" Good luck, players," says X.

The first stage of the obstacle course was a long ladder. Everyone climbs up it with no trouble.

"X might've made the first stages easier and the later ones harder, I think we should be careful," says Chase.

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