Chapter Six

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Macy came back into the room "Sir." She placed the hairbrush with a hair tie looped around the handle of the hairbrush, she laid it close to him "I found a hair tie, she can use as well."

"Thank you, Macy." He politely excused the young woman before stepping to his feet.

Macy closed the door behind her as she stepped out of the dining room.

Charlie carefully watched as he picked up the hairbrush, she kept her knife and fork in her grip as she sensed he had stopped behind her.

He began to gently brush her hair in silence.

Charlie kept alert; she didn't trust him standing behind her.

"Remember when I brushed your hair after every bath? Your mother always said it was a good excuse to bond with you."

Charlie kept silent.

"Because of her patience, She taught me how to do all sort of things." He smiled as he remembered.

"Then she died." Charlie gritted her teeth.

"Let's remember the happy times." He quipped; he began to concentrate on pulling her hair back into a ponytail.

"I remember you always wanting a ribbon in your hair. Always a..." He paused for a moment "A green one."

Charlie twisted the knife's handle in her hand as she kept her gaze forward.

"You said because green made you feel special."

Charlie felt him adjust the hair tie into her ponytail.

"You hated how all the girls at school always wore pink."

Charlie closed her eyes for a moment.

"All done." He smiled at his handy work "bit rusty but practice makes perfect."

Charlie opened her eyes; she lifted the knife to her face. Using the reflection of the knife blade to see her hair "This doesn't change anything; I still hate you." She dropped the knife to the table.

He placed his hands on her shoulder, he leant his face close to her ear "You can never hate me. I made you." He kissed her cheek.

She used the back of her hand to wipe her cheek he had just kissed "Why don't you just kill me."

"Kill my own daughter." He hushed "I did think about it."

She tilted her gaze to him.

"I love my hatchling."

Charlie shivered in disgust.

He laughed a little "Did I just ruin that filth on your wrist?"

Charlie held her tongue. She didn't get the turtled tattoo to please him, she got it to cover a mark she had on her wrist.

He lifted up her tattooed wrist, he closely inspected her wrist "You'll never be able to cover up that mark you made." He brought her wrist to his lips as he softly kissed it.

She yanked her wrist out of his grip "I was twelve. I did it because you told me to." She failed at keeping her chest heaving with anger.

A smile beamed across his face "Another lie but we both know that's what your good at. Nothing but lies drop from your tongue."

Charlie felt the handle of the fork dig into her palm as she squeezed it harder.

He beamed with laughter.

Charlie swiftly swiped the fork towards her father's face, he quickly tapped her wrist forcing her to drop the fork.

The fork clanged down on the ground.

He dug his fingernails in her shoulders.

Charlie felt her teeth squeeze together as she failed at hiding her pain.

He loosened his grip before straightening his jacket "Are you done?"

She loosened her jaw as she felt the tears drop down her cheeks.

"What have I taught you about crying?" He wiped her tears away.

Charlie teary eyed stared at the wall as she failed at calming herself down.

"Fine." He gritted his teeth. "Since you want to fight. I have just the thing." He wiped her cheeks again before reaching his hand out for her to grab.

Charlie lowered her gaze to his out reached hand.


Charlie reluctantly placed her hand in her father's hand.

He lead her out of the dining room and down the hallway. 

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