Chapter twenty-five

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Unlike previous times, she wasn't forced back to her room after eating. This time she was free to roam the levels.

Her father still kept his eye on her as she took joy in leaving his sight.

He stood by the entrance of the dining room as he watched Charlie happily skip down the hallway.

She skipped past the rubbish of the tampon wrappers; she hid her laughter behind her smile as a plan cooked in her mind.


Charlie stood in the dark room as she blindly pulled the bedding from the shelf, she felt it brush against her legs as they fall to the floor. She blindly ran her hands, reaching for the syringes; she could feel the plastic wrappers in her hands as she stopped.

She listened to the sounds outside the door. Her eyes flicked down to the crack under the doorway, seeing the light from the hallway trying to break through.

She felt her heart race against her chest as she listened.

Charlie quickly moved her hand away from the tray of syringes, she slowly knelt down on top of the pile of bedding. She rested her body against the bedding as she tried to peek under the doorway.

She waited and listened; she couldn't hear any sounds. That was normal. His hospital was always eerily quiet even though she sensed she had heard something that was out of the normal.

She couldn't see anything, she tried to keep her focus under the doorway as she waited.

Charlie slowly and carefully rose to her feet, she reached for the door handle as she tried to calm the beating of her heart.

She listened to the sounds as she carefully opened the door. Charlie didn't move as she waited, waited for something.

She cautiously took a step out of the room as she moved her attention around the hallway, she was standing alone.

Charlie ran her hands up her face and through her hair as she felt paranoia wash over her. She kept herself alert as she turned her back to the hallway, shifting her attention to the bedding on the floor. She bundled as much as she could in her arms before dragging it out into the hallway, she softly kicked the door close as she struggled to carry the bedding down the hall.

Charlie let the bedding drag across the floor as she moved along the hallway.

She stopped in front of the elevator as she thought for a moment.

If her hands weren't full of bedding, she would've run her hands over her face again instead she closed her eyes for a moment as she tried to regain her plan.

Charlie let out her breath as she opened her eyes, she dragged the bedding away from the elevator as she went to find the stairs.

She tried not to let the plan leave her mind as she struggled with the bedding in her arms, trying not to trip over what was dragging on the floor as she heaved the bedding up the stairs.

Charlie stopped at the top of the stairs as she looked around, she dropped the bedding on the floor as she sensed someone watching her.

"I could do with a friend." She toyed with her words as they lingered in the air. She reached down and randomly picked up one of the sheets as she let it drag behind her as she stalked down the hallway. "Friends are the best thing someone could have. Will you be mine?" she teased her words as she pressed her back against the wall.

Charlie listened. Listened to the silence. Listened.

Charlie stayed still as she kept her focus around her.

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