Chapter Twenty-Two

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Charlie was gone. Charlotte was alive. Charlie tried to struggle to understand what her father had meant by that. She was Charlie, she had rebranded herself as Charlie when went into hiding, she became Charlie to protect herself.

Her father stopped on the top of the stairs; Charlie stopped next to him.

He reached into the pocket of his pants and pulled out a key, he lifted it into her gaze. "Don't lose this one."

Charlie looked at the key in his hand. She hated that all the keys looked the same, she hated that she couldn't tell whether he had found her key, or it was the key had been using to unlock the doors, but he knew, he knew she had a key and knew she had been keeping it somewhere within her reach.


Charlie felt free as she wondered the halls of the hospital, he allowed her to walk freely. She needed to be careful, she needed to be free of the hospital, she needed to be free of her father, but she needed to be careful. She knew she couldn't open the doors; she knew she couldn't go near an exit; she knew he had some trick up his sleeve for finding her anytime she even dared to go near an exit.

Charlie stopped when she noticed a small puddle of dried blood on the ground. She recognised this level; it was the level her father had slit the man's throat before he allowed her to feel an ounce of freedom on the thirteenth floor.

She looked at the key in her hand, she scanned around the hallway.

It was just her.

Charlie took her chance; she began to test the key amongst the locks of the doors. She had tried four different doors, and all stayed locked.

She places the key into the fifth lock, she listens as she turns the key and hears a lock. Charlie smiles slightly as she pushes the door open. She ran her hand up the side of the wall to find a light switch but couldn't find out.

Charlie scrunched her face up a little, she tried to focus with the little amount of light breaking through from the hallway.

She looked at the items in the room, in the small room was three chrome wire dry store shelves pressed against the wall. One of the shelves was filled with bedding, one of the shelves was covered in dust and spider webs, and the final shelf had been stocked on each tier, one tier held small blue trays which were filled with various types of packages full of bandages, another tier had small white boxes lined with packaged syringes and the final tier had rows of various sized hand sanitizer.

Charlie beamed with pride as a plan cooked in her mind. 

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