Chapter Thirty - Two

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Now Charlie had the drive to finish her plan, she impatiently pressed the up button on the elevator. She felt like time was ticking as she bounced on the balls of her feet as she wanted to end this hell, she was in.

The elevator doors barely had a chance to fully open when Charlie pushed herself into the elevator, she pressed number 13 as she got her plan into action.

She struggled as she tried to open the emergency panel, she hated that took her several attempts before the panel finally opened, she pulled the white sheet into the elevator before lifting up the back of her dress to grab the matches.

Charlie felt the elevator stop. She quickly pressed the emergency button, silently praying the doors stayed closed.

She pulled the small black box out of the back pocket of her shorts before flicking open the lid, she lifted out a match "You don't seem to know, how far I'd go." She swiped the match against the inside of lid, watching as it started to catch a flame. She carefully held the match as she let the flame catch onto the sheet.

Charlie pressed the emergency button on the elevator again, before hurriedly pressing the open doors button. "Enjoy this fucker." She breathed as she stepped out of the elevator before running to the emergency stair way.

She didn't let herself stop as she started to struggle for a breath, she pushed into the stairwell. She raced down to level nine to the sheet on the stair rail.

Charlie pulled another match for the small black box and swiped it against the lid before carefully positioning the match on the ground, she carefully blew the fire towards the sheet.

Charlie jumped to her feet and ran back down the stairs to level six, she picked up another match and swiped it inside the lid before focusing on lighting the fluffy tampon under the doorway.

She beamed with excitement as the tampon took in the flame.

Charlie raced as fast as she could up the stairs, she ran up to level nine. She manoeuvred around the flaming sheet before pulling open the door, she ran down the hallway as she struggled to breath.


She ignored her father's voice as he stood by the dining room, watching her run past.


Charlie felt silently felt proud of herself as she ignored him, she ran to the glass door. She halted herself suddenly as she froze. She turned her head down the hallway.

The sheet was no longer at the glass door.

Charlie's body heaved with exhaustion as she finally allowed herself to catch her breath. She watched as her father calmly walked up the hallway.

He didn't say anything, he didn't rush nor was he calm.

Charlie felt shaky as she struggled to take in air.

He stopped in front of her "Charlotte."

"What." She tried to breath her words out "Have." She exhaled deeply "You."

"Done?" He finished her sentence "Did you honestly think I wouldn't figure it out?"

Charlie couldn't find her words as she continued to calm her body down.

"Answer me!"

"Figure. What. Out?"

He cannily smiled "My sweet little Charlotte." He swiftly gripped her neck with his hand as he forced her up against the glass door "Your my daughter after all."

"Kill. Me." She gritted her teeth.

He tempted over wanting to squeeze her throat or to let her live.

Charlie closed her eyes for a moment, she wasn't sure if she was silently praying or if she was hoping it'd make it easier to die.

She felt his hand touch her hand, grabbing the match box and the gun out of her grip before letting go of her neck.

Charlie opened her eyes, she stared into his. 

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