Chapter 2

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Ada's POV

I finally got home, exhausted from everything. This day is a handful. I change to more comfortable clothes and flop myself in my bed. I have my phone in my hands and turn it on. My hands are shaking because there's gonna be a lot of miss calls and texts.

Yeah, I'm right. 50 unread messages and 25 miss calls most of them are from mom. Lord, get me already. I read some of the text and she's really mad and pissed because I'm not answering her calls. I'm thinking if I should text her or call her. Or none of the above? I'm just texting her. I'm an introvert and calling someone gives me a panic attack.

I'm home, sorry I didn't answer back. My phone got into the low battery and I don't have my power bank. Sorry, Mom.


hit the send button and close turn off my phone. I go-ahead to the kitchen since I didn't eat dinner. I'm searching in the pantry and note to myself to go in the grocery since the stocks are running out.

I found cookies and put them in the microwave so I can eat them warm. I made myself a hot choco. While I'm waiting for the cookies, my mind is somewhere else.


"Mom?" I knock on her office "are you busy?" I notice that the door is not locked so I open it.

"What do you need this time, Ada? I'm busy." She said in an authoritative tone while looking at her laptop. I don't know if this is a good time to tell her. I'm shaking.

"I- uh" I shattered. I was really scared and trembling. "What is it? I don't have time for this, Ada. Just say it." She said and she finally look at me. Her stare is cold as ice that gives me a shiver down my spine. She is not in the mood I tell myself.

"No-nothing, Mom. Sorry for disturbing you" I get out of her office and closed the door. I look down at the envelope I'm holding. It contains an invitation to the school for our recognition day because I got in the Highest Honor. I didn't realize that I'm crying when I notice a wet spot in the paper.

"Maybe next time she's not busy anymore. Maybe next time she gets to put on a medal and express how she is so proud of me. Maybe next time." I said to myself and lock myself into my room.



I wipe a tear comes out from my tired eyes. I put the cookies on a plate with my hot choco. I bring them to the terrace since this place gives me comfort.

I look at the stars shining so bright, I admired the moon for giving me light in a dark, cold, gloomy evening. I wish in every star that makes my life change in a bit, give me something worth living for, give me a reason why I should stay in this dry place. A home that doesn't seem home. I'm tired, I want to rest but thinking about the people I will leave is heartbreaking for me, and I feel like I lose the fight. That one night cause me to lose everything I have, they left me behind. I have no one but myself. I don't know what to do, I'm terrified every second of my life. God, why me?

I bring back to reality when I heard a doorbell. Who on earth will go to someone's house at this time? I'm having time for myself here, hello? I get up and the bell keeps on ringing.

"With a minute. Coming" I shout to the person who interrupted my me time. When I got into the door and open it, I see a worried and angry woman. 'Oh, shit' I mumbled.


"Where on earth you have been? I'm texting and calling you and you not answering. I told you were going to meet to go shopping and fetch you at your school. When I got there, there is on Ada Johansson, your friends said that you go home early and you go somewhere else. Now tell me young lady where have you been and I only accept a valid reason." Aunt Lizzie said. I'm dead right now. I can't tell her that I'm working because she will tell mom and world war 3 is coming.

Come on, Ada. You are good with an alibi so think now. I just look down while I'm thinking. This woman is scary when she's mad, but mom is scarier. Women are hot when they are mad.

"I'm waiting for your answer, Ada," she said again. Shit. Shit. "Are you gonna answer me or I'm going to call your mom since your not answering your phone?" She warns. Please, not mom. No, anyone but not her. I'm frightened when she's furious.

"I got to go to the library across the school to get some books that I need for my paper, that's why I go early. Why I'm not answering y'all calls and texts because I forgot to charge my phone yesterday night, and my battery just shuts down when I'm about to text Mom. I'm into Samantha's house since we have a by-partner project in our History class. I lose a track of time and I'm too busy with my project. I'm sorry if I made y'all worried. I didn't mean to." I explain to her. Well, some parts are true as the project but I'm done with it already, and I indeed go to the library to finish my paper before I go to the shop.

"Just don't do that again. We're worried sick about you. I thought you're been kidnapped or something. Just inform us especially your mom. Is that okay, Ada?" She said and ask me. I nodded at her and hug me. Nope, tears come back from where you belong because I'm not going to cry. I'm worn already.

"Did you eat already? Do you want me to cook or we order pizza?" Auntie Lizzie ask me. I shook my head, "I'm eating cookies and drinking my now cold choco on the terrace when you got here" I said to her. She nods at me and smiles. That smile makes me feel okay.

I run and get my cookies on the terrace and drink my cold choco while going downstairs. She turns on the TV and searches for something interesting. I sat down beside her and offer her my cookies. She takes one and we watch something that I don't know the title.

I ask her about her day and she starts to rant about some things with hand gestures and hilarious facial expressions while she's babbling. I laugh at her annoyance that can see on her face. I talk about mine and how it's tiring but not the part of my work. I'm not paying attention that's why. I feel my eyelids and getting heavy and taking me to dreamland. Auntie Lizzie must feel that I'm sleepy so she positions herself on the couch and puts me in her chest so I could cuddle her to sleep.

I could hear a lullaby and feel her lips on my forehead. She caresses my back and holds me tight, didn't want to let go. "Good night, bubs. Sleep well." That takes me to dreamland or so I thought.


Some of Auntie Lizzie's content. There will be more about that in the next, some are good and... I'm not going to spoil. Mad Auntie Lizzie is hot. Happening from the past is going to reveal an explanation about everything. So buckle up. Hoping you are going with me on this ride.

See you in the next chapter.


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