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Scarlett's POV

I walk past the big gate of the main entrance of the cemetery. A cold breeze greeted me that cause the leaves to fly. Leaves in the trees sway with the wind as I walk by. After 5 months away, being in the hospital, this is the only time I have had the chance to visit them.

I hold on tight to my bag and the bouquet I have. Finding the place where my loves are laying. Every step I made, it's getting heavier and heavier.

I miss them. So much. 

I roam my eyes in the graveyard holding a bouquet of white roses. I place the bouquets to the tomb and caress them.

I admired the gloomy yet peaceful place. I light up a candle and pray for their soul. As enjoying the peaceful moment people ran in my direction ruined my moment.

"Come on, Paul. You're slow as a snail" I heard Ada comment. "Oh sorry for being slow because im still on recovery you ungrateful woman." Paul sarcastically replies.

(A/N: oh do you think I will kill them? Next time I will :))

"You two stop that. Hurry up your mom is waiting for us" I heard Lizzie said walking to my distance holding a basket for our picnic.

"Stop teasing each other and help us here," I said. They both nod. Ada and Paul lay down the picnic table cloth and  Liz and I organized the food. They take their snacks and lay comfortably as they watch the sky.

3 weeks after the accident. We almost lost them. Ada got into flat line so as Paul. We argue on who should have the heart. They both rushed into the operating room and the doctors do their work and miracles.

We wait for their recovery; Ada wakes up after 2 days and Paul for 3 since he is still undergoing on the other for another surgery for his spinal cord and brain.

They both request to have the same recovery room. Their beds are joined and sleeping in each other arms.

"What if she didn't survive? Am I selfish for wishing my daughter to get the heart first? Am I that selfish?" I ask Lizzie.  I hug her tight. I'm afraid that if the doctors came out in the OR the news they will give me to visit the morgue.

"WE HAVE A HEART FOR ADA" hunter announced. I look at him in surprise. "WE HAVE A HEART FOR HER" he shouted again. Tears are now rushing and I hug him.

"How? Who gave her?" I ask him. He paused for a minute. No. Oh no. God, please no. "Your joking right?" I ask nervously laughing at him. He weakly smile and shook his head.

"It's Colin"

For years that he didn't show up after we got divorced. The marriage falls because of the accident. He never failed to get and give Ada the father that she deserve. And he still didn't fail. He gives his own heart to her daughter without hesitation.

He's been the best husband, the best father of our children, he's the best in everything. The marriage with him is good, it gets rocky when the accident happens until we both decide to end it.

We only hurt each other, blaming for the things we can't control. We did it to save ourselves and the family we had.

Hunter handed me a letter, he said it's from Colin. He wants to give this to Ada when she wakes up. And I will. I still can't digest the news. I can't believe he did that.

I'm not compatible to give my heart to her, though we have the same blood type the tissues and everything in my heart is not similar to Ada's heart.

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