Chapter 17

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Ada's POV

I hug Paul tightly keeping me warm since the rain started pouring when we go for a walk to talk about my condition. He persuades me to tell mom everything, I agree. We get back to their house, he gives me his shirt and sweatpants to change because my clothes are soaked. Her mom gave me a hot chocolate to cool down my shivering body.

I take my time staying there, I need a lot of courage. I don't know what to expect but I know it's going to be worse. Paul assured me they going to understand why I keep it on my own, all the secrets I have will be revealed this night. Help me to get through this.

We waved goodbye to her mom, we borrowed their car so I won't walk more since I'm already tired. The drive is silent. You can even break the glass in here. I look at the window, wondering my eyes in the city. "Since when did you know this?" He asks breaking the silence.

"4 months ago. While I'm working in the shop I feel someone stab me straight to the heart it's painful. Frank rushed me to the ER since I lost my consciousness. Doctor Cristina Yang give me medication and dates for my check-up so she can monitor my condition. Then last week, Friday I got a call from her saying I need to go there because she has something to tell me, that it is my condition got worse." I explain. I look at him then look away.

"When I run away and go to Frank's apartment to stay, I almost have a die in a heart attack. I stay there for a week until he slaps me with the truth that I can't hide everything. I take a walk until I reached the cemetery, I saw mom visiting Aira's grave. I heard her talk, how she regret everything. I run away, full of guilt. Until I lost my consciousness again and ended up in a hospital bed." I add.

"Frank is right, you can't keep everything and try to hide it. I understand why you choose not to say it, but right now I know and you're going to tell me you keeping it again, I won't let you. Ada, you know more than that, they deserve to know what's going on" he said.

"I know that, that's why im going to tell it now. But if they insist on me going to the hospital, I don't want to. I don't want to be stuck in that bed, with wires all over my body, every fiber of my being is in pain. I don't want to be like that again." I said. Remember everything that happens 6 years ago.

"Okay then, it's your choice but you going to keep the medication and do everything the doctors said," he said looking at me for agreement. "Fine by me"


We got into the house safe, the house is quiet. Odd. Even the lights in the gates are off. I look at Paul worried. He places me at his back making his body as a human shield in any aliens would attack us.

We slowly walk through the house, this situation is scaring the shit out of me. Mom, pick me up here.

Paul held the doorknob, slowly twisting it to open. We peek to see what's happening inside but it's all pitched black. Damn it.


Oh shit. I look at the people around me, my friends, the cast and my grandma is here. But why? I look at Paul confused, what's going on? Why there's a surprise for me? For me?

"Okay, first of all, I'm not a fan of surprises, and y'all almost give me a heart attack. Second, what's happening and why is there a surprise for me?" I ask them confused. They look at me in disbelief.

"What day is it?" Mom asks me. I stare at her, I'm more confused than my head starts to hurt. I think about what day is it, it's Friday? What's wrong with that? Did I forget something?

"Um, Friday?" I ask in an asking tone. I swear to God if they didn't tell me right now what's happening I'm going to throw tantrums.

Silence. Wow. They look at each other in disbelief because I forget something. Then what is it? I'm not good at puzzles especially since my brain is too tired to think.

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