Chapter 5

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Ada's POV

"Who is that?" Auntie Lizzie ask me. I heard her from the sala, thinking for an answer because this moron decides to show up at 9 freaking evening without a warning. Maybe he had but I don't have my phone so that is not counted. I look at him glaring and raising my brow.

"What in the hell are you doing here?! It's 9 in the evening and I'm enjoying my food," I whispered yell at him. I see him gulp and okay I feel better. "You forgot your ID in the cafeteria, I try to find you in the room but you left early. Then I go here and you're not home. Same as earlier. This is your ID if not because of me you can't enter the school" he explains. I scoffed. The audacity of this moron. I snatch my ID to him.

"Well, I bet my ID didn't fall to the ground and you being here like a knight and shining armor who will save the day. Can you go now, Paul? You might get in an accident, and you're going to blame me because you came up here giving my ID. Go home" I said. He rolled his eyes. Seriously? Did he just roll his eyes? On me? What the-

"You're welcome," he said with full of sarcasm. "Whatever. Go home or all call Miss Janet saying his son is running around in the street at night like a maniac with an ID of someone." I said. "Nope, you can't. I told her in going here to give that to you. No use. Is that how you threat? Weak." God, calm me down or I'm going to stab this dumbass straight to the heart.

"Or maybe go out with me to pay the debt, what about that?" He asks. Fine, just go out. Wait-

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"YOU WANT WHAT?!" I exclaimed. What the hell?! Oh, God. "You heard me." He shrugged. I smirk at him. "Is that how you ask for a date? Weak" I mocked him. "Now I know, using an ID to get in someone's house then ask that person to date is the new strategy. Okay, I take note about that" I tease him more. "Is it a yes or yes?" Wow-what a good option. "Or," I told him and I heard him huff.

"I can't go on any date, Paul. Cause if my mama knows and my uncles and aunties you gonna be dead." I warn him knowing there is the one in the sala who's eavesdropping in our conversation. "But thank you for giving back my ID. I could pay anything but not a date." I told him. "Then be my partner in our Cotillion dance. I don't have a partner. But if you have, I understand" he mumbled. "Of course," I said. His face lights up and smiles. Handsome.  What-

"Okay then, see you on Monday. Thank you and your welcome" he said and hug me. "Thank you too. Keep safe." He nods and starts walking. Until I can only see his shadow. I go back and look at my ID. I didn't know that I'm smiling when Auntie faked a cough and me with full of teasing expression on her face. OH MY GOD.

"Nope, not now. He's a friend and he just came here to give me my ID that I didn't know I lost. Besides the fact about asking me out, we're not going to talk about that." I explained to her.

"I didn't say anything, Ada. Why do you have to explain? Hmm," she teases. I rolled my eyes. I sat on the couch. "If he's a friend to you, I don't think he sees you as a friend," she said. I know that already.

He confessed and I just say he's just a friend, I have more priorities; like going on a date than working. I don't want to go into any relationship when I'm not ready to commit. I'm just going to hurt myself and that person who wants nothing but to love me.

I put my head on her shoulder and yawned. We stay in that position, my eyes are focused on the tv but my mind is somewhere else. It got interpreted when Auntie's phone ring. She got up and take the call. I lay on the sofa and take a ride to the dreamland.

Lizzie's POV

I get up and answer the call. It's Scarlett.

Hey, Scar. Why did you call? Is everything okay?

Hey, Liz. Yes, everything is okay here. I just finish my shooting and I didn't get a chance to hold my phone. How's Ada? Did she eat?

She's okay. She eats already. We go to the mall earlier to get some stock. You didn't tell me your daughter is good at budgeting things and she knows what things are needed.

What? Does she know that? I- I didn't know.

Yes, she is. She talks like a 25-year-old woman. You better get your hot ass in here to see what I saw.

Yes. I'll be back next week. Maybe on Tuesday, since I only have 5 scenes to take. Thank you again, Liz. Good night.

Okay, then. Keep safe and eat. Good night and your welcome as always. Your kid is wonderful.

Thank you so much. Bye, love you!

I'm about to say I love you but she ends the call. Friends always say I love you to each other. Yeah. I go back to the sala and see Ada's already asleep. I wake her up from tapping her.

"Bubs, wake up. Let's get you in your room so you can sleep well" I whisper. Still tapping her.

"Mama, I'm sorry. I didn't know it's going to happen. Mama, please. I'm sorry" she said. Nightmare again? I shake her this time. "Ada, wake up. It's just a dream. Come on." No response and I can see the tears rolling down her eyes, this breaks my heart even more.

After more shaking, she wakes up. I see the panic in her, she checks her surroundings and puts her hands on her chest. She looks at me at throws herself. I hug her tight. Keeping her warm, she's cold. I caress her back calming her down. I feel her relaxed. I held her hands, it's like I'm holding ice. I keep it warm as I can.

"You want water?" I ask her, she shook her head. "You want to go to bed?" I ask her again. She nod. I help her to get up. I open the door and open the lights. I tucked her in the bed, close the lights only leaving her night light open. I wait until I feel her she's okay. I'm about to go out when I heard her mumble something. I walk back to her-

I can't comprehend what she said. I kissed her forehead and head back to the guest room. So I could rest.

"I love you still, Mama. Even though you blame me for losing my sister"


Sorry for not updating for 2 days. I got a lot of school works to do plus my cramps are so painful.   you're going to see a lot of new characters that have an important role in this story. She's coming home. Excuse my grammar and typos. English is not my mother tongue.

Hope you have a great day ahead.

See you in the next chapter.


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