Part 1

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i used google translate for any Italian in the story so i apologise if it's wrong.

Carina and Andrew had always been close. Even when he moved to the US after their parents split up they called, wrote notes and visited each-other during the summer holiday. Once Andrew started as an intern at Grey-Sloan Memorial they didn't talk as often. When they called she would get a call saying a women in labour or he would get a call saying a big trauma has came in. Carina decided to move to the US to continue her OB practice at a bigger scale. She didn't tell Andrew as she wanted to surprise him. She had everything ready. She even got an apartment. She would of stayed with Andrew but he had a roommate already.

Carinas POV
The plane just landed and i couldn't be more excited to see Andrew. I decided i would go to the hospital to see him as i have to meet the Dr. Bailey anyway. I stop off at a coffee shop as i have about 30 minutes before i need to be at the hospital. I ordered my coffee and as i left the coffee shop i opened the door on someone accidentally sending them to the floor.
"Oh my god i'm so sorry are you okay?"
I immediately stretched my hand out to help her up which she expected.
"Yes. I'm okay. I might have a bad bruise tho" she says with a laugh.
"I am so sorry"
"It's fine" She says finally looking up at me. Her eyes are beautiful. A bright blue. Her features are so beautiful. Just everything about her is beautiful. I quickly realise that i should be at the hospital soon.
"I am sorry i need to go. Again i'm so sorry. Im Carina by the way, but nice too meet you...."
"Maya. And you too"
I turn around and head to the hospital not being able to get the blonde out of my head. As i entered the hospital, i walked up to the desk.
"Hi, how can i help you?" said i red head who was very happy to say the least.
"Hi! I'm looking for Andrew Deluca?"
"Right. He is on Neuro today so you should find him on the second floor east side."
"Right.. Im sorry I've never been here would you mind showing me?"
"Of course! Wilson" she shouts to a blonde "Can you cover for me? I'll be 5 minutes"
"Sure" She says back walking towards the counter. The red head walked around and led me towards the elevator.
"Aye, excuse my manners. Carina Deluca" I say going to shake her hand.
"April Kepner" she says with a bright smile. "So your Andrews sister?"
"Well it's very nice to meet you. Andrew had mentioned you a few times. Does he know your here?"
"No actually i just moved here so i decided to surprise him"
"One hell of a surprise" She says stepping out of the elevator. When we step out i immediately spot him at the end of the corridor. I walk a bit closer before him.
"Andrea wow quindi è qui che lavori? degno di nota." (Andrea wow so this is where you work? impressive) He looks up and he lights up. He runs up to me and engulfs me in a hug.
"Carina. What are you doing here?"
He says taking a step back.
"Well i'm here for my job interview obviously"
"What do you mean?"
"Seriously you would of thought that through medical school you would of got smarter. I've moved here. And i've got an interview with Chief Bailey for an OB job here"
"Seriously? How did i not know this?"
"Well after many many years i got pretty good at hiding secrets from you"
"What time is your interview? Im on my lunch in 10 and we could go eat in the cafeteria. I can introduce you too a few people seem as though your going to work here."
"I actually need to be there in 2 minutes but i don't know where that is so if you could take me please. Than after i will come meet you in the cafeteria"
We walk to Baileys office and i knock before walking in. After a short interview she offers me the job which i accept. I then find my way to the cafeteria after a bit of struggle and look for Andrew. I quickly spot him sitting with a few other doctors. He spots me and quickly asks if i got the job. When i told him he was so happy and hugged me.
"Andrew are you not going to introduce us to your friend or what?"
"Oh right sorry. This is Meredith Grey, Lexie Grey, Arizona Robbins, Cristina Yang and Alex Karev. Everyone this is my sister Carina."
"Hi" I say while sitting down. Everyone if very nice and welcome me to the hospital. I could not be more thankful. They all get paged for a mass accident so when they left i decided to go back to my apartment to start unpacking. As much as i didn't want to do it, i know it needs to be done. My friend was actually being jeff today aswell. She had been staying with a friend while i packed everything to move so she was already here. I arrive home and put on some music then started to unpack.

Mayas POV
I was just on my way to work when a door opens and sends me to the floor.
"Oh my god i'm so sorry are you okay?" I hear with a thick Italian accent. She stretches her hand out which i gladly accept after all, it's not entirely her fault.
Yes i'm okay. I might have a bad bruise tho." I say laughing a bit.
"I am so sorry"
"It's fine" I say looking up. Wow. She is so beautiful. Her eyes are a deep brown that you could get lost in. Her long brunette wavy hair practically flew in the wind but it was so graceful. She quickly pulls me out of my trance by saying she needs to go. I watch her leave before heading into the coffee shop to get a coffee then leaving to go to the station. Everyone is sat around the table in the kitchen talking when i come in.
"Hey Maya" She says looking at me come in. As i turn round i see a few looks meaning something is wrong.
"Hey Andy what's up? Why is everyone looking at me like that?"
"Honey your head."
I look it the mirror to see a bit of blood and a big bruise starting to form. I laugh and go to get an antibacterial wipe.
"What happened?"
"Oh i was walking to the coffee shop and as i got there someone opened the door and whacked me in the head."
"What a bitch. Do you need me to be beat her up?"
"Oh my god Travis no. She was actually really sweet she apologised about 20 times but it's not entirely her fault i should of been looking were i was going" I say putting any wipe in the bin and making my way to the table.
"That really looks like it hurts. Are you sure your okay?"
"Yes Andy i'm fine" As i say that the alarm goes off. We all hop in the trucks and set off. We get there and it's safe to say we all underestimated the situation. There was about a 13 floor building with floors 9-13 on fire.
"Alright I need Miller and Gibson on floors 1-8 clearing the floors. Hughes on the ladder wetting the walls and Montgomery and Warren on the roof. Herrera your with me we're going up to see if there is anyone left."
Everyone goes there way and me and Andy run up quickly we clear floors 9-12 with little people massively injured.
"Station 19, If there is anyone up here please tell for help"
"Please help" I hear a small yell from across the room.
"Okay keep talking so we can find you"
"Please help" It sounded like a child.
We make our way to the voice and it's a little girl. She looks about 8.
"Hi honey, my name is Maya and this is Andy. We're going to get you out okay?"
She nods then starts to cough. She has burns all over her arms.
"Okay honey i'm going to give you this. I need you to take long and deep breaths with it so it doesn't run out okay?"
"Maya what are you doing? You need that to breath."
"I'm okay. She needs it more than me she's been exposed longer."
"Herrera, Bishop do you copy?" Travis says through the radio.
"Copy, have an ambulance on stand by we have a little girl with us."
I take off my jacket and give it too her. The fire wasn't bad now and i have protective gear on underneath my jacket. I wrap it around her then pick her up. We make it out quickly and there is a stretcher waiting for her outside. I lay her on it and they walk off with it. I start coughing really badly.
"Maya are you stupid? You could of been seriously injured. Hey can you wait up she needs to get checked on as well?"
"Sure but be quick"
The team notice i'm coughing badly and run up to me with oxygen.
"Maya are you okay? What happened?"
"She gave her oxygen AND jacket to the kid."
"What she needed it more than me" i say before quickly making my way towards the ambulance and climbing in. The girl is laying down with an oxygen mask on her still wrapped in my jacket.
"Hi honey. Are you okay?"
"Yea. I'm good thank you"
"of course. What's your name?"
"Well hi Anna. Where are your parents?"
"I don't know. It was bring your daughter to work day and my parents work together. They got out but i didn't" I was quite shocked. Who leaves their child in a burning building?
"Will you stay with me please?"
"Of course sweetheart"

I don't have any clue on what this story is going to turn out into so apologies in advance.

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