part 20

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Maya's POV
I left Carinas and drive home to get ready for the day as i had a few errands to run. Once i had arrived home, i was met by a very confused Andrew.

"Hey Andrew"

"Hi Maya"

"Are you okay?"

"Yea but i expected you to come home last night and you didn't. Then here you are with what i can only assume are hickies on your color bone. Care to explain yourself?"

"Don't what you mean Mother. Shouldn't you be at work by now anyways"

"Yea i need to go. This is far from over Bishop."

"Oh i think it is. Bye Deluca have a good shift" I quickly yell as he shoves his middle finger up at me in response.

I showered and put on some shirt and a loose top as it was a lovely day today before i headed to get some food. I could not be bothered to cook so i decided to head- round the corner to the café. As i walk in i'm quickly met with my second favourite scent. Coffee. Coffee just puts you in a good mood you know. Tired? Drink coffee. Annoyed? Drink coffee. Literally doing anything? Drink coffee.

"Hey Maya what can i get for you today?"

"Just the usual please but can you through in a ham salad baguette please. Oh and a blueberry muffin"

"Of course, are you sitting in or taking away?"

"Sitting in"

"Okay it shouldn't be long"

I took a seat on a spare table close to the wall as i turn my attention to my phone. I am looking through instagram when i hear a baby laughing and small (yet quick) footsteps heading in my direction.

"Hey i recognise that adorable face!"

"Oh, it's you again, i'm so sorry she must of really took a liking of you" Her mum says plying her off my leg with large retaliation from the small child.

"Oh it's no problem. Isobel's adorable"

"Yea, she can be when she want to. I'm Ava by the way, i didn't catch your name last time."

"Maya, nice to officially meet you. Are you here with anyone?"

"No, i just like to come here to get away from my aggravating boyfriend"

"Well you are welcome to join if you would like."

"That would be great actually"

Me and Ava actually end up having a lot in common. I found out she works in real estate and only recently moved here for a job opportunity.

"Wow Captain of station 19? That's impressive"

"Yea it took a lot of work to get to where i am now"

"Now, i don't want to step over the line and you don't have to answer if you don't want to. But that brunette you were with before? Are you too a thing? A fling?"

"We are... getting to know each-other. Definitely not a fling. At least i hope not."

"Okay well do not forget to invite to the wedding."

"I-uh it's a bit early to talk about marriage."

"Trust me, i have a third eye"

We talked a little while longer before she had to leave as Isobel was getting a sleepy. We exchanged numbers before they left and i left soon after, needing to shop before heading to Vics. I quickly go to the shop to buy some wine and snacks for vics before heading home. I didn't need to leave for about another hour and a half.

3hrs later
knock knock

"Your early?"

"Yea by 5 minutes. when have you ever known me to be late? And is Andy not here yet she's normally here before me"

"Yea but i think she spent the night at Sullivans so i didn't expect her to be on time anyway."

Sorry this is such a long chapter and sorry it's been so long since i've updated. A lot has been happening but i'm hoping to update more regularly. Thanks for your patience and sorry for this short and bad chapter.


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