Part 3

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Mayas POV
"Wait you too know each other?"
"Yea she's responsible for this nasty bruise on my head" I reply with a laugh.
"Again i'm so sorry about that"
"Honestly it's fine"
We just kinda stand and stare at each other.
"Right well, seen as though you two already know each other i'm gonna go over there" Andrew says before waking off.
"So Maya, your my brothers roomate?"
"Yes. It's great to see you again by the way."
"You too."
"So, i'm assuming your a firefighter? Or my brother is really popular which would surprise me greatly"
"Yea. I'm the Captain at Station 19"
We walk over to the kitchen getting her some wine before sitting down and just talking. Just about anything and everything. I mean she's great. I don't know what it is i just find her amazing. I could stare at her face all day and never get bored.
Travis says from behind me.
"Yea what's up"
"Well we just wanted to meet Andrews famous sister that he never shuts up about."
"Ah right. This is Carina. Carina this is Andy, Victoria, Travis, Dean, Jack, Ben. They all work at Station 19."
"It's great to meet you! Have you and Maya met before, you look although you have. Also your brother lives with her so it wouldn't surprise me"
"Wow Jack what are you a profiler in your free time? But no and yes. We only met for a second when she hit me with a door"
"Oh that was you! I may of said it but i could never beat you up your so beautiful i wouldn't wanna mess up the face"
Carina just laughs in response.
"Okay. I was thinking about what movie we should watch. Any recommendations?" Andrew says walking into the room"
After a long debate on what's better to watch we settled for Free Guy. When we are all sat it ends up as me the recliner, Vic, Travis, Andy, Jack and Dean on the L sofa with everyone else scattered around on the floor or on stools from the kitchen. When Carina comes in she goes to sit on the floor but instead i pat for her to sit on the arm of the chair. She sits on the arm with her legs stretched out over my lap. At some point during the movie she starts twirling my hair around her fingers. I don't think she realises what she's doing as when i lookup to her she has her eyes glued too the screen.

Carinas POV
It's about 3/4 of the way into the movie and i look down at Maya to find her asleep. She looks so peaceful and calm. I just continue playing with the ends of her hair until the end of the movie.
"That was a good movie"
"Yea. Any movie with Ryan Reynolds in it is good tho so it was expected"
"Well we should be off we have to work tomorrow" They say before grabbing their things and leaving.
"Thanks for tonight Andrew. And Carina greet to meet you!"
"Sí you too" I say still sat on the arm rest.
"Do you want a lift home? You've had more to drink than me."
"No it's okay. I'm going to help you clean."
"You should probably wake her up you know"
"Nonsense. Let her sleep"
I get up carefully and grab all the rubbish and put it in the bin. Then all the glasses in the dishwasher.
"Carina it's really late you should just stay here. You can have my bed i'll sleep out here"
"No no need. You go to bed i'll sleep down here. Only thing do you have a shirt i can borrow just to sleep in."
"Yea i'll go grab you one. Wake Maya up she's gonna break her neck like that."
Instead of waking her up i just picked her up and very carefully carried her upstairs. I laid her on her bed and pulled her sheet over her.
"Sweet dreams bambina"
I said while leaving the room. I head downstairs and grab a blanket and take one of Andreas pillow before laying on the sofa. I put on the TV and put on How I Met Your Mother. Don't know what it is about Cobie Smulders but she's just stunning. Soon after I start, I fall asleep.

I get rudely woken up by Andrea hoovering around me.

"Dici sul serio Andrea? Sto cercando di dormire e il tuo aspirapolvere, non potevi aspettare?" (Are you serious Andrea? Im trying to sleep and your hoovering, could you not off waited?).
"No. This place is a mess and i need to be out soon. Maya won't do it. Also. If she isn't awake by about 8. Wake her up she will only complain if you don't wake her up. Feel free to use the pots and pans as well."
"Okay i guess. What time is it?"
"7:40 i need to leave in a minute what time are you at the hospital?"
"Not till later. Now go i'll finish cleaning now you've woke me up"
"Thank you. Okay bye see you later"
I get up and fold my blanket and hang it over the back of the couch before making my way to the kitchen. I switch the kettle on before turning on youtube and playing some music quietly. (Idk what Americans use to make coffee so forgive me for the kettle). I make myself a mug of coffee before seeing what Andrew had to eat. Luckily, he had all the ingredients to make some french toast. I make enough for me and Maya so she could have some when she woke up. When i checked the time it was 7:55 so i decide to go wake Maya up. I make my way upstairs making my way to her room. Before entering i knock on the door incase she is already up. No response. I open the door to find her fast asleep still. She was practically the way i left her but she must of changed into some pyjamas.
"Bambina, It's time to wake up"
She stirs a bit.
"5 more minutes"
"Oh well i guess i'll just eat the french toast i made you"
She is wide awake at that comment. She mentioned last night how much she loves food so i can now use it to my advantage.
"French toast? Okay yes please let's go"
We head downstairs at sit at the island in the kitchen eating.
"Oh my god this is amazing"
She says her mouth full.
"Why couldn't you be my roommate i would love to wake up too this everyday"
"You should be happy i was even in the mood to make anything this morning"
"Well thank you very much for the food. I need to go shower before work. If you need a shower there is a shower down the hall in the left."
She puts her plate in the dishwasher before leaving up stairs. I follow shortly after heading to the shower. You can tell this is Andrews house everything is extremely organised and labelled. I'll use the fancy guest towels as im so important.

Once im out the shower, i realise i have no clothes. That's great i can't exactly show up to work in a towel and im not wearing Andreas clothes. They all smell of him and his overpriced cologne which is too much as i learned from wearing them last night. Who put cologne on a pyjama top? Psychopaths. That's who. I head my way to Mayas room knocking on the door.
"Come in"
"Hi yea sorry i didn't exactly bring clothes with me. I was wondering if i could borrow some?"
I could feel her examining me with her eyes but i just brush it off.
"I uh.. Yea sure go ahead. Choose anything i don't mind"
I head over to her clothes rack and just pick up a plain oversized hoodie with some black shorts.
"Thank you so much. I will wash and give you them back later"
I say before leaving the room.
I head down the hall to the bathroom where i got dressed. Luckily, i found a spare toothbrush and Andrea has a hairbrush for some reason? Like he has the shortest hair why does he need one. Soon i was done and headed downstairs to finish a few things before needing to leave for work.
"Leaving for work?"
"Yea i'm going to stop for coffee on the way"
"Great. I'll join you the station is in the same direction anyway"
We head out the door and make our way to the coffee shop.
"Do you remember what happened the last time we were here"
"Yea how could i forgot"
We both just laughed.
We both ordered before going our separate ways. I've got to say i really like Maya. I can't wait to spend more time with her.


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