Part 19

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Mayas POV
I was awoken the next morning by my alarm.  Although i'm not at work today, i do still like to set an alarm so i don't just sleep my day away. I quickly turn it off and move me arm to Carina lying beside me. However, my arm was met by nothing but a duvet and empty mattress. I sit up not seeing Carina anywhere in the room, or bathroom. Quickly, i put on some shorts and a hoodie as it was a bit cold (and i wasn't wearing a top) then made my way downstairs. As i made my way downstairs, i hear the sound of light music coming from the kitchen. Walking in, i see Carina stood at the oven humming along with the Italian, i'm assuming, music.

"Good morning Bella, i woke up early so decided to make some breakfast."

"Thank you it smells delicious" I sat down at the counter and she passed me the plate along with a knife and fork.

"How did you sleep?"

"Amazing, however next time, i would like to wake up next to you"

"I'll keep that in mind Bella"

We ate the rest in silence, however it was a very comfortable silence. Something you wouldn't dare to speak incase you ruined the moment. However, i still decided to speak as i was putting my dishes in the dish washer.

"Are you at work today?"

"Sí, in about 3 and a half hours"

"okay, are you okay with me staying a little longer or do you want me out your hair?"

"Bella, if i could i would have you here  all day very day and we would never work again."

"Now that seems like a plan"

We both head upstairs so we could get ready for the day. Since i had nothing important planned, i just put on some sweatpants and a random shirt i found.

"Hey when is Jeff coming back?"

"Today actually, can you listen for the door, i need to quickly shower"

"Wow and i don't get an invitation? offended to be honest"

"You see i would however i need to be quick and i have a feeling that with you it will be the opposite of that"

"Fair enough, and take your time no need to rush"

She kisses my cheek before i head back downstairs and spread myself on her sofa flicking through the channels in the Tv. Just as i settle watching WandaVision, my phone starts to ring.

"Hey Andy what's up?"

"Hi Maya, are you busy tonight?"

"Not that i know off why"

"Okay good, me and Vic were gonna have a girls night and it's obviously no girls night without you. Are you joining?"

"Yea i will, who's apartment?"

"Vics, she said Ripley has gone to see his sister and her kids, so we have the apartment to ourselves"

"Okay great, what time?"

"Anytime aslong as it is after 5"

"Okay, i'll see you later"

"Bye M, make sure to bring the good wine" 

I laugh before ending the call and focusing my attention back to Wanda. I don't really know how much longer it had been before there was a knock on the door. I was just going to ignore it before i realised it was probably Meredith with Jeff. When i open the door, i see a familiar looking face stood with Jeff.

"Hi Maya is Carina in?"

"She is, however she is currently in the shower, where is Derek or Meredith?"

"They both got pulled into emergency surgery"

"Ah okay, let me grab those from you"

I grab Jeffs bag she got sent with mainly just filled with toys, food and even some clothes.

"Okay well i need to get to work, tell Carina i'll see her later"

"Okay will do. Thanks... Lexie"

As soon as i shut the door, Jeff is jumping at my legs and running around like a mad man.After she had calmed down, which she only did from a lot of attention, she started looking around abit, probably for Carina. As if she felt Jeff looking for her, Carina ascended  from the top of the stairs making jeff energetic again.

"How much longer till you need to be at work?"

"About an hour and a half"

For an hour, we spent sitting on the couch talking letting the tv drown out into the background.

"Okay i'm gonna head out, you need to leave in 30 minutes and i think that i am being no help."

"Okay Bella, i will see you soon, drive safely."

"Bye my love, have fun at work."

Short chapter mainly because i wanted tl publish it before i went to sleep and i'm hella tired rn. Next chapter should hopefully be more interesting sooo yea. Enjoy this boring chapter.


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