Part 5

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Mayas POV
I wake up to the sun blaring through the curtains almost blinding me which almost distracts me from the body pressed up against mine. I slowly open my eyes and see Carina still asleep with her arms wrapped around my torso. I carefully move to grab my phone to check the time as i have to be at work. 7:10. As i turn around i see Carina slowly starting to stir awake.

"oh hi, good morning"i say looking down at her.
"Buon giorno bambina"(good morning)

She wraps her arms around me and pulls herself closer to me then laying her head on my chest like she was listening to my heartbeat. With anybody else, this would be weird. I mean we haven't even knew each other for that long but with Carina it felt normal. Like we were meant to.

"What time do you have to be at the Station?"
"Around 9. You?"
"About the same."
I get up to go get ready for the day and hear her whine, something about loosing warmth.
"Hey no come back"
"I need to get to work"
"But it's only 7:15. Come back for 5 minutes and i will make you some of my famous french toast."
"You'll  make french toast?"
I say slowly walking back to the side of the bed.
"Sí, remember how much you loved it last time"

Even if she wasn't trying to bribe me with food i could not say no to her face. I don't know what it is just the way she looks up at me. I climbed back into bed and she cuddled up with me instantly. Despite not knowing her for the longest time, it feels like we have known each-other for years. It was nice. After 10 minutes we reluctantly get up. I headed for the bathroom getting ready for the day while Carina let out Jeff and fed her.

"Okay so, spare toothbrushes, deodorant practically everything you will need is in the 3rd draw down on the left of the mirror"
"Why are you so prepared"
"Before my mami passed she always said to have everything spare. You never know where you might end up."
"I'm sorry about your mother, she's seems like a very wise person"
"It's okay, and she was. She would of loved you, you both have the same aura. Anyway go get ready while i make breakfast as i promised. Take whatever you want out of my wardrobe"

I ended up going for some plain black leggings and a sweatshirt as i would only be changing at the station. Once i finished i walked into the kitchen where Carina was just putting the finishing fruit on the plate.

"This looks amazing"
"What can i say; when i don't use Andreas crappy pans, i come out with the best result"
"Yea i can't defend him on this one. I don't even know why we own pans neither of us cook"
"Really? We used to always cook together as kids"
"Yea literally seen him cook once. You will have to teach me how to make this"
"There is more where that came from. Okay we still have an hour before we need to leave. What do you wanna do"
"We could just watch netflix"

We sat on the couch and Carina started to flick through Netflix.

"What do you want to watch? Romance, horror, action?"
"We could watch a sitcom. I love sitcoms"
"Oh of course!"
"What! What is wrong with a sitcom?"
"Nothing, nothing, it just doesn't surprise me."
"What do you mean it doesn't surprise you?"
"For one we talked about sitcoms last night when we watched one. Also, You may have the personality of every sitcom side character ever"
"That is a compliment. Side characters are better than the main character 90% of the time."

We ended up settling for How I Met Your Mother.

"Okay Bambina we need to go"
"I will drop you off at the station on my way to the hospital"

I gathered my things then climbed into the passenger seat of Carinas car. We drove to the station singing along to whatever was on the radio.

"This was fun, we should do it again"
"That would be great"

I climbed out the car and started walking towards the entrance when Carina shouted.

"Oh Bella! I will drop your things off at your house tonight"

Then she drives off. I walk into the station and head up to the kitchen.

"You are always eating when i come in on a morning. How do you all have such an appetite?"

They all just respond with shrugs or little comments.

"So where we're you this morning Miss Bishop?"
"Why do you ask Miss Herrera?"
"Because when i came to pick you up this morning you weren't there"
"I went for coffee"
"Fair enough but their not your clothes"
"And how do you know that Trav?"
"Me and Vic may or may not off had a fashion show with your clothes"
"How did i not know this? And how?"
"Well it was your birthday surprise party. You took longer than normal and we were drunk and bored"

We all just laughed. Only they would do that. I start walking out so i can get changed.

"Bishop you want any?"

Sullivan says holding up a pan of bacon.

"No thanks i've already ate."

Carinas POV
When i arrived to the hospital, my day went as normal. Thankfully there was no major problems with the mamas. It was lunch and i went to sit at out usual table and one by one they all come sitting down around me. The last one to join us was Andrea.

"Wow here last night and today? You must be tired"
"No actually i was only on call a few hours last night but i fell asleep here. Did you and Maya get back alright?"
"Oh actually Maya stayed at mine last night"
"Oh get it Deluca"

Someone said from the opposite side of the table.

"Carina i swear to god if you slept with Maya i-"
"Oh my god Andrea no! I did not sleep with Maya we drank wine and watched TV"
"Literally you can sleep with anybody. Anyone in the world other than Maya"
"You don't even need to worry about it"

The rest of the day went by quickly. After i got home, i quickly let Jeff out then left to take Mayas things to her apartment. I arrive and go up to knock at her door.

"Oh hi Carina"
"Hi Andy i'm just here dropping off Mayas things"
"Oh well thanks. Do you want to come in? We were just about to start a movie."
"No it's okay i have to get home to Jeff. Thanks tho"
"Okay well thank you for dropping her stuff off"
"It's no problem. Also they have been washed and dried so she doesn't need to worry about that."
"Thanks Carina i shall see you soon"
"Sure addio"

Apologies that my posting schedule is really bad. Also, happy first of December!


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