Origin Of The Webhead - 1

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2007, Mary's Sanctity High

"Your semester is ending soon, and with it your final year in high school. I know this feels like a big change in your life, and for the most part, it is. But don't be threatened by it, my teacher always used to say, 'If you don't surf along the tides of change, you'll be swallowed by them.' He helped me when I was in your shoes, and now it is up to me to help you. So please, do not hesitate to come talk with me, for advice or whatever." His homeroom teacher can be such a mommy bear sometimes. 

Sitting on his desk, he couldn't help but think about his uncertain future, unlike most of his peers, who had already decided who they wanted to be and how they would become that person, (Y/N) felt like he didn't know what to do with his life. Sure he could always join up in his family business but he didn't feel like it. He wanted his own identity, his own future and none of that could be accomplished by staying in his parents' shadow.

Soon the bell rang and most of the students sprinkled out of the class, only a few stayed back. (Y/N) was currently in the process of packing his bag, putting all his material in it quickly. 

"Why the hurry (Y/N)? going to meet your secret girlfriend?" His friend, Jonathan Wilkins, or Joe for short, stopped him midway through his task.

"Shut up Joe, first Mr. Matthias scares us like we're 12, then I have to deal with your annoying ass. Today really is shaping up to be a bad day." (Y/N) sighed, he didn't like to think about what's in the future, he calls it indifference, but maybe the thought of change really does scare him.

"Well anyways, me and the boys are going to the arcade, you up for it?" Joe asked, pointing out the window, where he could see the other boys waiting for him.

"No, I've got to go to the coffee shop near Midtown Mall, someone is waiting there for me." Joe teased him by pushing his shoulder. "It's nothing like that bro, there's this man I met the other day, he says he has a room free in his house."

"Man you're still trying to move out of your parent's house?" Joe asked, his teasing hand becoming one of comfort.

"I see them once a year and not even that sometimes... they won't notice I moved out until months have passed." (Y/N) said, looking down, even though his parents had all the riches in the world, they couldn't make time for their son. 

His Mom and Dad inherited Graythorne Inc. A real estate company which owned most of the big skylines in the metropolitan areas of America, and several other property all scattered across the world making it the largest in terms of assets.

"Well anyway I'm running late now, I'll catch up with you later Joe." Saying his goodbyes, (Y/N) left the school, his forehead heavy with sweat from all the thinking he was doing.


(Y/N) entered Spring Town Cafe, the sound of people talking and mingling overwhelmed his ears, he had never been here this time of the day and didn't brace himself for just how crowded the place was.

Standing on his tip toes, he searched through the crowd for his soon-to-be landlord, who himself looked like he was searching for (Y/N). They waved at each other and (Y/N) approached the man.

"(Y/N) my boy! I was expecting to wait for a few hours more, I didn't think you'd come straight to the cafe, hehe

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"(Y/N) my boy! I was expecting to wait for a few hours more, I didn't think you'd come straight to the cafe, hehe." (Y/N) smiled as he sat down in front of the man.

"No Mr. Parker, I don't like to keep people waiting and well, I needed a new place as soon as possible." (Y/N) addressed the man in front of him, who let out a large laugh alerting a few people in the cafe.

"My boy, It's truly good to see such a responsible man at your age, hmm reminds me of my nephew... maybe you'll get along with each other." Mr. Parker slapped (Y/N)'s shoulder loudly, again alerting some people.

"Mr. Parker, if you don't mind me asking, why are you renting out?" (Y/N) asked, by now a waiter  had come over to their table.

"What would you like sir?" The waiter asked (Y/N).

"You got coffee?" (Y/N) asked, the waiter nodded and went to get him his order.

"Well it's mainly because I want Peter to have a good life, ever since his parents died, me and my wife have been taking care of him, and apparently taking care of a kid needs a lot of money!" Ben laughed out loud, again gaining the ire of the other patrons.

"You are a rare breed then Mr. Parker, most wouldn't do this even for their own children." (Y/N) said, his eyes looking down at the table.

"Nonsense! What father would need a reason to protect his own child?" Ben said with a smile. (Y/N)'s eyes widened as he looked at Ben.

At that time, Ben's watch started beeping.

"Ah! it's time for my shift young (Y/N), I need to get there or my boss will eat me alive hahahah!" Ben slapped him on the back once again before collecting his stuff.

"Y-Yeah Mr. Parker, should I pack my things soon?" (Y/N) asked getting ready to get out of the cafe too.

"Ah anytime (Y/N), my home is your home" Ben chuckled before walking away from the table. "Bye Bye (Y/N), I hope to you soon." And with a final wave, Ben exited the cafe.

(Y/N) chuckled to himself, he too left immediately after Ben left, a million thoughts running through his head.

"...Am I forgetting something?" (Y/N) thought out loud, having already reached a few blocks away from the cafe. "Oh shit the poor waiter."



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