Super Arguments

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(Y/N)'s inner science enthusiast quickly shined through in this environment, he had an hoodie and some shorts on as he worked with Banner and Stark.

Gwen didn't know half the mumbo jumbo they were speaking, so she sat on the floor and put on her headphones. 

"Geez. The quantum tunneling effect... This really makes you think doesn't it?" (Y/N) asked the two older gentlemen in the room.

"About Fury and his shenanigans? Yeah." Stark added, he was about to discuss it with Banner and the boy anyways but (Y/N) beat him to the punch.

"This Tesseract can provide clean energy but at a lower rate than other power sources we already currently possess. No... It's application in short bursts of energy is much more potent. Like a portal or a..." (Y/N) looked at Tony to finish.

"Gun." Tony finished as Banner looked at the two of them worriedly.

"Many guns. Plural Tony, Something fishy is going on here, the more I look into this Tesseract." (Y/N) shook his head as he returned to his work.

"What do you think Dr. Banner?" Tony went over to where Banner was stood, and stabbed Banner in the stomach with an electric tool.

"Ow!" Banner laughed as Tony looked him in the eye.

"Hey! Are you nuts?" Cap came striding into the room angrily. (Y/N) ignored the tantrum and focused on his work. This was science time now, no room for games.

"Jury's out. You really have gotten a lid on it haven't you?" Tony was awestruck. "What's your secret? Jazz, bongo drums? A huge bag of weed?"

"Is everything a joke to you?" Cap asked Tony, glancing at (Y/N) who was engrossed in his work. 

"Funny things are." Tony pointed it out. Gwen now removed her headphones as she too watched the drama unfolding.

"Threatening the safety of everyone on this ship isn't funny." Cap stated, as Gwen stretched while sat. "No offense, Doc."

"It's alright, I wouldn't have come aboard if I couldn't handle pointy things." Banner said to calm Cap down.

"Besides we have a Thor." (Y/N) pointed out the god's existence, still not taking his eyes off the screen. Tony pointed at (Y/N) and turned to Banner.

"You are tip-toeing big man, you need to strut." Tony said to Banner.

"The way I see it, you are a bigger problem than him Stark." Gwen spat out, her contribution to the conversation as she stretched away.

"Thank you for that kid. I still don't understand the hate you have towards me." Tony quipped but Gwen just flipped him off.

"Focus on the problem Stark." Cap told Stark who used his tool to point at Cap.

"You think I'm not? Why did Fury call us in? Why now? Why not before? What isn't he telling us? I can't do the equation unless I have all the variables." Stark took a bag of blueberries from the desk.

"You think Fury's hiding something?" Cap asked Tony who didn't answer him.

"We think Fury's hiding something... and something big, Cap." (Y/N) brushed his hair back as he finally looked Cap in the eye.

"You too, kid?" Cap raised an eyebrow as (Y/N) shrugged his shoulder. Gwen was now doing pull ups by sticking herself to the ceiling.

"He's a spy Captain, He's 'The' Spy. His secrets have secrets. The kid's right. Banner's been bugged by it too." Tony ate the blueberries as he pointed at Banner, He offered the berries to (Y/N) but he turned it down and focused back on his work.

Responsibility: Gwen Stacy x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now