Battle Of New York - 2

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Cap asked Nat and Barton if they were alright fighting without him, Tony had just informed them that Civilians are trapped in a bank.

He bid them farewell and rushed towards said bank.

He saw multiple police officers and civilians running about. So he decided he would do something about it.

He landed right on one of the police cars as the officers trained their gun at him.

"You need men in these buildings. There are people inside and they're going to be running right into the line of fire. You take them through the basements or the subway, you keep them off the streets. I need a perimeter as far the 39th." The cops looked confused at Cap's orders as they lowered their weapons.

"Why the hell should I take orders from you." The head of the police looked at Captain America.

Just then Spider-Man appeared swinging and landed on one of the street lights.

"Cuz he's Captain America." The officers again got startled and pointed their guns at him before lowering them after seeing that it's Spider-Man. "When he tells you to jump, you jump. Harder than you've ever done before."

Captain shook his head slightly but Spider-Man's words seemed to have inspired them into action.

The officer did as Cap asked, not only because of Spidey's words but also because the police officers, some of them at least, actually respected the Webhead.

Cap gave him a nod and he reciprocated with a two finger salute before priming to swing away.

"Spider-Man! We have situation in a bank down 5th Avenue. You will reach there before me. Go!" Cap shouted at him.

"There's some strays down there Cap. You take care of them." Spider-Man informed and swung away.


Tony fired flares as he avoided becoming chomp meat for the giant worm thing.

He flew away, the big thing chasing after him helplessly, destroyed countless buildings in the process.

"JARVIS, Find me a weak spot." The computer analyzed and show Tony that it was inside the worm as expected.

Iron Man did an expert maneuver and turned around mid-air before launching multiple rockets inside the worm's jaws and evading to the left as they exploded inside of him.

It wasn't enough by the looks of it as it just got madder.

Tony had something that was more angrier than this though.

"Cap! Is Banner here yet?" Tony asked as he flew just out of reach of the worm.

"No! We haven't seen a clue of him." Cap threw his shield at one of the Chitauri and dodged another blast that was thrown at him.

"Keep me informed. This worm thing has it really out for me. Almost as much as Gwen." Tony chuckled at his own joke.


(Y/N) stopped right in front of the Bank, as he sat on top of one of the street lights here as well.

It was eerily quiet here. Too quiet.

Whatever was happening in there was definitely not good. One might even call it bad. Some even diabolical.

(Y/N) quickly dispatched a Chitauri Chariot which was flying above the streets with a quick web right in it's 'engine'.

He had learned of this weakness quite early into this battle. Their engines were moving circularly and were exposed from beneath. Making it quite easy to stop them with just a well placed web.

Responsibility: Gwen Stacy x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now