Battle Of Sokovia - 1

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(Y/N) did handstand pushups as a warmup, ready as can be to take on a world-ending threat.

He was actually feeling pretty pumped about it all.

Scared yes. But pumped.

Gwen and (Y/N) were avoiding each other, both had an inkling as to why.

They didn't wanna blurt out the fact either had a ring.

But both knew the other had a ring. They weren't dumb, they lived in the same house.

(Y/N) knew she had it hidden in her lingerie drawer because she would freak out the moment he went near it.

Gwen similarly knew when he suddenly became a 'cleanliness freak' but only for his shelf of gaming paraphernalia.

So they both needed to keep apart lest they spill it out without the perfect moment.

"Spider-Man..." Wanda's voice broke (Y/N)'s concentration. Thankfully he was modest in his tank top though Wanda could still see a part of his rock-hard abs.

"You can call me (Y/N). We are meant to be team-mates now, after all." (Y/N) shook his head as he kipped up and stood straight with frightening athleticism.

"Uh... (Y/N)... I have to tell you how big of a fan I've been for the past... 8 years. I followed your early work, I had posters of each of your suits in my room... They were the only thing besides Pietro that brought me comfort when the bomb struck our room." She let out the things she had wanted to say.

But then she hesitated, should she lay her heart out fully right now?

Was this the best time?

She ultimately decided no, this wasn't the time.

If they both survived the coming reckoning.

She would lay her love for him bare.

"I'm... happy you see me that way." (Y/N) lowered his head in humility.

"No... really. You are my hero." Wanda admitted, "I was... ashamed when I saw Ultron's real plan. I was scared of myself when I saw the news in Johannesburg. You were there. You were there to stop them and you were there to save me from myself."

She clutched her heart with both of her hands.

"Thank you." She said from the bottom of her heart.

(Y/N) let out a small smile.

It was the sincerest smile he had ever given someone who wasn't Gwen.

It was rare to hear thank you that wasn't from someone he just saved or Gwen, but rather out of the deepest depths of someone's heart.

It's why he kept on being Spider-Man, to make people smile, to make them not afraid of tomorrow.


Gwen stretched out the kinks in her body as she prepared for what was probably the fight of their lives.

Well, she couldn't say so certainly.

It seems trouble is just attracted to them like moths to light.

But she felt someone watching her, more specifically her butt as she stretched, it wasn't (Y/N).

It didn't contain the fiery passion his eyes did.

And no one on their team was a pervert, most of the other men also had girlfriends and a wife in Clint's case.

So it could only be the new addition.

Pietro Maximoff.

"If you don't make yourself busy in 10 seconds, You won't be making it to Sokovia," Gwen warned him without looking back.

Responsibility: Gwen Stacy x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now