Origin Of The Webhead - 3

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(Y/N) gasped awake, in a cold sweat. He groggily sat up on his bed. Momentarily in a daze, he tried to figure out where he was and why he was here.

He searched out for his glasses but couldn't exactly find them, then realized they were still on his face.

"Ah fuck..." (Y/N) stood up and tried to find his bearings, heading out of his room and into the bathroom.

May, Ben and Peter all watched in horror from the dining table as they saw their resident skinny boy get out shirtless from his room.

"Was... that (Y/N)?" Peter asked his aunt and uncle, they both didn't reply, too dumbstruck to do so.

(Y/N) looked at himself in the small mirror hanging above the sink, he wasn't able to see shit of course, everything was blurred for him.

He removed his glasses and to his astonishment, he could see everything clearly. He put it back on and off multiple times to check but to his delight, something impossible had happened.

He could see without his glasses!

But then he realized something else, he had to do a double take just to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

He had abs... not only that, he had a killer bod, it was athletic and lean but he was ripped somehow.

He flexed his biceps and pecs in amusement.

"Wow... how the fuck..." He turned around to check his back and yeah, this was no dream, he was actually ripped now.

He went to lean on the sink only for it to break under his pressure.

"The Fuck!?" (Y/N) exclaimed loudly.

"(Y/N)? everything alright? I heard the sound of something breaking." May's voice was muffled through the door but he could still hear the concern in her voice.

"Uh... Yeah, I- Everything's alright Mrs. Aunt May." (Y/N) composed himself to the best of his abilities and blurted out.

"We're here if you uh... need anything." Now that he focused, it was if he could hear through the walls, the world around him had magnified. He could hear Ben explaining to Peter what Puberty was? Why would he do that?

"I'll be out in a second..." (Y/N) placated the worrying woman.

He shook his head at the crumbled sink and thought about what to do next, he could just lie to his renters or just be honest... but he could tell this was bigger than just a growth spurt and something had happened to his body.

(Y/N) slowly breathed out and decided to face the music, opening the door, he saw May had went back to the dining table.

"(Y/N)? Are you alright son?" Ben too had concern on his face but also confusion.

"Wow (Y/N)! You totally look like those dudes on T.V!" Peter pointed it out.

"When did you start to work out kid?" May asked as (Y/N) reeled from the rapid fire questions.

"Uh... months ago... I just don't like to show off." (Y/N) lied through his teeth and he could tell they didn't really believe him but they seemed to let it go. 

"Should we go see the doctor kid?" Ben again showed his concern for the boy.

"No No. It's fine Mr. Parker..." (Y/N) thought about how to tell them about the sink and decided to just be straight. "...The sink is also broken... I'll uh... pay for it." 

"What? How did you... Never mind." May decided not to pry.

"Wow! You broke the sink!? That's awesome!" Peter excitedly got up from his seat and ran up to (Y/N) to check both him and his handiwork out.

Responsibility: Gwen Stacy x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now