I Understood That Reference

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Loki sat in the quinjet webbed up, as he stared at the Spiders who were a miscalculation in his plans.

They were acting all lovey-dovey, something which he hated dearly.

"Hey Cobain and Love, we are transporting a prisoner, can you stop being so scandalous?" Tony quipped, his helmet removed as he stood next to Captain America.

"It's our spider pheromones, okay?" Gwen half lied, it was true that something made them not keep their hands off of each other, but it wasn't known if it was actually pheromones.

"I scanned the jet, no such thing as you releasing pheromones." Tony quickly shut down that thought.

"Whatever old fart, go bug Cap." (Y/N) blew him off and returned to whispering sweet nothings in Gwen's ear.

"I don't like this." Cap informed Tony.

"They bring out the worst in each other, I agree." Tony nodded his head as he saw Gwen give him the middle finger.

"I meant Loki. He came way too easily, this guy packs a wallop." Cap told Tony who looked at Loki.

"Still, you are pretty spry for an older fellow. What's your thing? Pilates?" Tony joked with Cap who looked confused.

"We don't need to do much of anything. Swinging's intensive like that." (Y/N) answered for him and Gwen.

"Nobody asked." Tony replied brutally shutting (Y/N) off, getting a chuckle even out of Loki.

"You might've missed out on a couple of things. Doing time as a capsicle." Tony joked as he saw Gwen holding back her boyfriend.

"Damn, I should've thought of that one." (Y/N) calmed down and sat back into his seat. Cap didn't appreciate the joke.

"Fury didn't tell me he was calling you in." Cap told Tony.

"There's a lot of things Fury doesn't tell you." Tony rebutted.

"There's a lot of things Fury doesn't tell anyone." Gwen told the two of them as Cap nodded at her whilst Tony was lost in his thought.

Just then lightning started to fall around the quinjet, Natasha looked in the driver's seat as there was no chance of a thunderstorm in the weather forecast.

"Where's this coming from?" Natasha informed as the Quinjet shook violently.

Loki looked alarmed at this whole ordeal and Cap noticed that.

"What, are you scared of a little lightning?" Cap asked Loki who shook his head.

"I'm not overly fond of what follows." Loki cryptically informed them.

"He means Thor. The God of Thunder is coming to take this cunt." (Y/N) told them all just as something landed on top of their quinjet. Tony quickly put his helmet back on as Gwen and (Y/N) let go of each other, ready to initiate combat.

The God of Thunder soon dropped onto the open hatch of the Quinjet and looked around, finding Loki sat webbed up on the bench.

Iron Man was quick to try fire a repulsor beam at the god, but a hit from Mjolnir left Iron Man on the floor, connecting with Captain America in the process.

(Y/N) ran towards Thor, dodging another hit that came overhead and tackled Thor out of the Quinjet.

"What is this? A bug?" Thor elbowed Spider-Man as they fell to the ground, making him open his clutch before flying back into the Quinjet.

He quickly took Loki and flew out of there, the other bug didn't fight as she was too busy talking with the pilot of this craft.

Responsibility: Gwen Stacy x Male ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang