Visions and Vision's

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Gwen wandered through the apartment.

She was searching for her ring.

The one she intended for (Y/N).

If things went... Awry. She needed to be together with him at least before it ended.

But it wouldn't. They wouldn't end.

She'll make sure of it.

She scoured her lingerie drawer, that's the one place (Y/N) wouldn't go through, partially because he likes the surprise.

Gwen smirked as she felt the velvet box in her hands.

There it was.

She opened it to check if it was still there.

And it was, Black with white engravings in the form of a spider's web.

It was awesome.

It wasn't crazy expensive but she thought he would appreciate it more than any diamond she could get.

With the box in hand, she used her magic to shrink down the box and store it into one of her suit's pockets.

Yes. She had pockets.

She then exited their home through the roof, put on her mask and then flew away towards the direction of Oslo, Norway.

Gwen had magic, might as well use it.

She had to confront Stark after all.


(Y/N) and Banner were dropped off at the Avengers HQ. Nick left with Hill unceremoniously after that.

 So the two walked shoulder to shoulder towards Banner's lab, Bruce not speaking a single word.

Truthfully even while Clint and he talked about his sunroof back at the farm, Banner was silent.

He was stuck in his own mind, which is what (Y/N) felt.

It was sad.

It made (Y/N) a bit mad when Tony asked him to look over Banner.

He didn't want to, Banner wasn't a monster.

It was just that the Maximoff had messed with his head like Ultron did Tony's suit.

He could feel Banner's remorse even now, it was radiating off of him.


The two were now sat in Banner's lab. Where the argument between The Avengers took place.

That day when Gwen gave Tony a purple patch.

It all went to shit but they weren't the Avengers for no reason. They'd bounce back, stronger than before.

Banner cleared his throat to get (Y/N)'s attention, The first time he did so since the attack.

"(Y/N)..." He was unsure about whatever he wanted to ask.

"Yeah?" The young man in question stopped his walk towards one of the consoles.

"Do you... Do you ever think about what life would be like if you didn't get your powers?" Banner's words were not only meant for (Y/N).

There was introspection happening here.

(Y/N) stared blankly at the sudden question.

"I've seen what would happen if I didn't get em'. It was bad." (Y/N) chuckled, he still hears the satisfying crunch of his counterpart's jaw in his sleep.

Responsibility: Gwen Stacy x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now