Pinkie Promise

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Torres carried me on his hip down through the building and Gibbs was roughly escorting the guy who grabbed me. We met with the two other people I met in the alley who smiled at me softly and I saw the girl holding my bag. "McGee, take this guy to interrogation. We need to have a word with him." Gibbs said to the other man.

"Got it, boss." McGee nodded taking the man and putting him in the back of one of the cars before going to the front and driving off with him.

"Maraya this is Ellie Bishop. Bishop, Maraya." Gibbs introduced us.

"Maraya's a very pretty name." Bishop smiled. A small smile tugged on the corners of my lips as I looked down to the bag. We walked over to this other car and Torres put me down and I got in the back with Ellie while Gibbs and Torres got in the front.

Gibbs started driving and I looked out the window into the dark night. After a long silent drive we finally pulled up to this big building. I was falling asleep so I was grateful that we were finally at our destination. I tried opening the door but child lock was on and I looked over to Bishop who was stuck too and offered me a small smile. Torres let me out and Gibbs let her out.

I still haven't figured out if this Torres guy was the man I supposed to be running from or not. I hadn't actually figured out his first name and Torres is a very popular Latina last name so it could just be coincidence?

Torres took my hand and we went up this elevator and when it opened we were in this huge... Orange? It was a big orange room. Bishop went over to these desks while we stayed by the elevator. McGee came over to us again. "Perp's in interrogation." McGee said to Gibbs.

I let go of Torres's hand and walked forward into the room in the direction Bishop went. Then a very tall girl, in a lab coat and black hair practically skipped up to me. "Is this her?" She asked looking to Gibbs.

"Be gentle, Abby." Gibbs warned playfully.

She squatted down in front of me. "Hey, I'm Abby. You must be Maraya." She smiled brightly.

I nodded. "Maraya Torres."

"You know, not many people can out run the famous Gibbs. It's pretty awesome." Abby smiled.

I grinned. "I did it all with fresh stitches."

"Oh my god, you're like my new best friend." Abby smiled widely.

"Really?" I asked excited to have made a friend. I saw Gibbs, Torres and McGee walk past and go to their respective desks.

"Duh! Now that we're besties, I have a favour to ask." Abby said.

"Okay, what is it?" I tilted my head to the side.

"Do you mind if I draw a little bit of your blood? I just need to run a few tests and make sure you're all healthy. If you say yes I'll steal you a cookie." Abby said holding out her pinkie. "I pinkie promise."

I locked my pinkie with hers. "I'm in it for the cookie."

"Great, let's go." Abby stood up and had to lean down to hold my hand even with my arm all the way up.

I was sitting on her table nibbling on the cookie while Abby was processing my blood. Three men I hadn't seen before walked in together, one man who looked really old and short, a younger man and the third was about forty.

"Oh, Maraya. This is Ducky, Palmer and Vance." Abby introduced me. I waved at them shyly.

"Mrs Torres, I've heard a lot about you." Vance nodded.

"And I nothing of you." I grinned and he just smiled.

"Uh... Guys." Abby interrupted looking at the screen. "You might wanna take a look at his." The three guys gathered around her looking at the screen and all of their jaws slightly dropped and they looked between me and the screen.

"Am I dying?" I asked in a joking tone.

"No, it's nothing of the sort." Ducky declined.

"Get Gibbs down here, Palmer." Vance ordered.

"Right away, sir." Palmer nodded before running off. When Palmer moved I could see the screen more and there was a photo that Abby took of me just now to identify me on the screen next to Torres's.

"What does that mean?" I asked and Abby shut off the screen right away and they all turned to me.

"Nothing." Abby lied unbelievably.

"Yea... That's bull." I laughed not really caring to be honest.

Gibbs walked in breaking the awkward silence and over to the computer screen blocking it from my view. I heard clicking and Abby pulled the screen back up. "Will everyone stop have illegitimate children they don't know about please?" Gibbs said turning around his eyes landed on someone in the doorway. I turned and saw Torres standing in the doorway with wide eyes staring at me.

"I got something in my teeth?" I joked not knowing how to break the awkward silence.

Maraya TorresWhere stories live. Discover now