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Outfit ^^

I was woken up by Nick shaking me. I groaned and tried turning over but he pulled the covers off of me. I had been off crutches for a week, been at Nick's for three weeks and today I started school. Obviously I didn't wanna go, I'm not the most academically gifted child so I've always hated it. "Mara, you're gonna be late."

"So? Nobody will notice." I replied.

"I will. I got work so I need to drop you off." Nick told me.

"Why can't I come with you? I have more friends than I do at this Hell." I tried.

"You go to school to make friends your age. I know the first day can be scary but I promise you'll love it." Nick promised. "I'll take you to buy those lollies you like so much if you go without complaining."

I jumped out of my bed. "I'm up."

"Good girl, come down for breakfast when you're ready." Nick said leaving the room.

After eating breakfast Nick drove me to school. "I don't wanna go in."

"Come on, I'll help you find your class." He dismissed me. We walked into the building and he was holding my hand and carrying my bag in the other. We tracked down Mrs Biggs class and Nick knocked on the door. The kind looking woman came over and smiled at me before looking to Nick. "Hi, you must be Nick Torres." She said shaking his hand.

"That's me and this is Maraya." Nick introduced.

"Mara." I corrected.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Mara. I understand your situation and what you've been through so I'm hoping I can help you fit in here and make friends. We have lots of lovely children in here who would love to be your friend." She said squatting down to my level. I hummed in acknowledgement looking past her and to a boy who was sat by himself. I noticed he was wearing sunglasses and he was in a wheelchair.

"Okay, Mara. I'll pick you up at three. Have a good day and stay out of trouble." Nick said to me passing me my bag.

"I can't agree to any of those." I said before shrugging and walking into the class.

I had dumped my bag with the others and all of the children were playing. The boy who I spotted was playing by himself though so I decided to walk over to him and sit next to him. "Who's there?" He asked.

"I'm Mara. I'm knew here. What's your name?" I questioned.

"Jacob. Why are you talking to me?" He replied.

"Because nobody else is." I answered.

"I don't blame them. Nobody wants to be friends with the boy who's stuck in a wheelchair, too smart for his own good and blind." He said miserably.

"I do. I doubt I'll make much friends. So, guess we're stuck with each other." I smiled.

"I'm okay with that, Mara. So why do you think you won't make friends?" He asked.

"Well, these past few months haven't exactly been easy. Seems like if I tell anyone I'll scare them off." I shrugged.

"You won't scare me off. How about I'll tell you why I'm in a wheelchair if you tell me why these past few months haven't been easy?" Jacob suggested.

"Okay, deal. Well a few months ago my parents died, they were my adoptive parents though. They were... Well, they were murdered. I found them, the people who killed them were looking for me. Then this woman appeared, told me to find a Nick Torres. Anyways found out the people who were looking for me were his enemies and they wanted me dead to get revenge. Got myself in hospital, they found me, found out Nick was my dad, got myself shot, he got custody I think, now I'm here." I explained.

"Wow, that's..." He trailed off.

"Freaky?" I finished.

"Badass. So you were on the run?" Jacob asked me.

"Yea. Constantly being shot at and dodging knives was... Something." I laughed.

"A deal's a deal I guess. I was playing on a construction sight with my brother three years ago. Something fell and it was going to crush him. He was only three at the time. So, I ran to him. Pushed him out the way... It got my legs though. Tommy is name is. Now, he's safe and happy. In the hospital I had a seizure and lost my sight as a result." He explained.

"I'm sorry, Jacob." I said patting his shoulder gently.

"It was worth it. If I hadn't, then my brother would be dead. If I could do it again then I would." Jacob explained.

Throughout the day me and Jacob became good friends. He was now dubbed as my best friend and I was his. I watched as his mother picked him up at the end of the day while I waited around for Nick. He was ten minutes late as he ran up to me. "Sorry, I'm late. Things got held up at work." He apologised.

"Don't worry. Guess what?" I smiled as we started walking back to the car.

"What?" Nick asked taking my bag.

"I made a friend." I replied proudly.

"Told you, you would. And I'm always right." Nick grinned.

"No you're not." I declined.

"I totally am. Name one time when I was wrong." He said cockily.

"When you were gonna send me to foster care." I replied.

"Okay, that's fair. But I didn't so that definitely makes up for it." Nick nodded.

Maraya TorresWhere stories live. Discover now