Innocent Until Proven Guilty

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I was silent as Gibbs drove me back to the office to meet Nick and the others. Nick wanted to pick me up but they were all very busy trying to prove I was innocent. The FBI were ready to lock me up and throw away the key without looking into what actually happened that day.

"Are you okay, Mara? You've been very quiet." Gibbs pointed out.

"I'm being framed for murder, how do you think I am?" I challenged, too harsh than intended. "I'm sorry." I sighed. "I'm just- I'm just scared for what's gonna happen next. I don't know what to do." I admitted.

"You tell the truth and you put your faith in me, Nick and the team. We got this covered. You will not be going away for that crime, Mara, I promise you that. We're gonna get the man who really did it." After Gibbs's words, we were silent for the rest of the ride.

I begrudgingly got out of the car once we got to the office and it felt like all eyes were on me. I got out of the elevator and Nick ran over. He picked me up, holding me close in a hug which I returned. "Are you alright, mi amor?" He questioned.

"I'll be fine once you prove my innocence." I replied and he walked us back over to team Gibbs's office area.

"What have we got?" Gibbs asked. The team including me since Nick hadn't put me down, stood in front of their tv.

"Josef Freeman." Bishop started and a picture of a smiling man at some event came up. "Born in D.C, 1976. Only alive son of Amelia and John Freeman. He had an older brother who was killed twenty two years ago in a hit and run. They never found the person who did it. After six months, the cops gave up looking."

"Phillip Connells." McGee added and an old mug shot of the man who was killed came up. "Born in Texas, 1974. Rough upbringing, foster care, fell off the radar as soon as he was old enough to leave foster care."

"There's no records of him having any job but we did find his apartment where he was staying under an alias. Uh... Greggory Simpson. Owner of the apartment said that he always paid in cash, quiet, never had any problems with him. Ideal tenant." Quinn continued.

"Any connections between the victim and Freeman?" Gibbs asked.

"None that we can find, sir. There has to be a motive but we can't find it yet. But we will." Nick replied.

"Do it quick. Bishop, what was Freeman's brothers name?" Gibbs asked.

"Uhm..." Bishop checked her notes. "Alfred Freeman, boss."

"Pull up his case file. Look into the hit and run that killed him." Gibbs said to her. She nodded and went to her desk.

"McGee and Quinn, find the connection between Josef and Phillip. It's there and I want it so find it." Gibbs said to them and they also nodded before going to their desks.

"What should I do, boss?" Nick asked.

"Take your daughter home. Buy the burgers you promised and watch movies." Gibbs ordered.

"What? I want to help." Nick replied.

"Torres, your kid needs you. Go be there for her." Gibbs smiled at me.

"What good is a movie marathon if she's gonna go to juvey-" Nick started.

"She's not going anywhere but home. Let her get out of those clothes and take a bath. She deserves a break and you know it. Go home, Torres. That's an order." With that Gibbs walked away.

"Please can we go home? I'm hungry, dirty and tired." I said giving my best puppy dog eyes. Nick was clearly hesitant.

"Nick. Go." Bishop encouraged. "We got it covered. We'll call if we find anything." Bishop smiled.

"Alright, what burger do you want?" Nick asked me and we started leaving the office.

"Can we get ice cream for dessert? I doubt prison has ice cream. May as well enjoy it while I can." I shrugged.

"You're not going to prison, mi amor. We can prove you innocent." Nick assured. "We have too."

Maraya TorresWhere stories live. Discover now