This Can't Be Goodbye

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Nick's POV

I sat angrily at my desk. Reid and Morgan had just explained what had happened and the BOLO was out. I hadn't said anything. I simply stared at the phone on my desk. "We're very sorry, Agent Torres. But the BOLO is out. They're going to find her, you don't need to worry-" Reid started,

"Don't need to worry!" I yelled standing up. "Thanks to the FBI my little girl is out on the street by herself! You two scared her and chased her away!"

"Agent Torres, I assure you this was not my men's fault. Your daughter planned her escape and just because it landed on the same day does not mean they did anything to scare your daughter. We're trained to deal with all kinds of people and Maraya Torres is one of them. They did everything they could." Hotch explained.

"Please, don't give me that cr-" I cut myself off when his phone started wringing. I looked to it and realised it was an unknown number. I answered straight away. "Sweetheart, is that you?"

"Yea, it's me." Her shaky voice answered.

"Where are you? Are you safe?" I questioned.

"Yea, I'm fine, dad." She responded.

"It's so good to hear your voice, mi amor." I smiled although she couldn't see that.

"I need you to remember that I love you, okay? That this is the only way." Mara said.

"What are you talking about? Just come to the station and-"

"-and you can escort me back to jail. I don't think so. I don't wanna spend my life in a cell for a crime I didn't commit. You think the nerdy dude and the guy who has more muscles than brain cells will be able to help me? I gotta go on the run again, dad." She explained softly.

"No, no, no, okay? What I was planning in the court house was stupid. They'll catch you and drag you back." I assured her.

"They won't catch me." I shook my head.

"You're a red alert missing person. Your face is plastered everywhere. They'll find you. Please, mi amor, don't do this." I begged of her.

"I love you, dad." She whispered and her voice cracked.

"This can't be goodbye, Mara. You listen to me and get back here, please." I tried to bite back my tears.

"Goodbye." Then with that the line went dead. I put the phone down and sat back down in my chair in complete and utter shock.

Gideon walked in with a phone in his hand. "Garcia got a location that's ten minutes from here. Let's go."

"Grab your gear." Gibbs ordered.

Maraya's POV

I knew they had tracked my call but it was worth it to say goodbye to my dad.  I felt bad for saying goodbye but I had too. Not NCIS nor the FBI would get me out of the mess Josef Freeman had created for me... No, he was the only one who could do that. Hence why I broke into his house.

I creeped through his hallways after climbing through an open window. I heard his voice and saw him talking on the phone in his office. I slowly entered without saying a word. He didn't look surprised when he saw me. "I'll call you back, Bill. Say hi to Marge for me." With that he slowly put down the phone and smirked at me. "Maraya Torres. Heard you broke out of kiddie's prison. Please, sit." He indicated to the chair's in front of him. I did as he said. "Did anyone ever tell you that orange isn't your colour?"

"Tell me why." I ordered, secretly pressing play on the audio recorder I had stuffed in my pocket. "Tell me why you framed a nine year old girl of a murder she clearly didn't commit."

He chuckled at me. "Maraya... You can put that audio recorder on the table. I'm going to confess, tell you everything."

I narrowed my eyes but did as he said. "Why?"

"I have my reasons. You want a confession or not?" He raised an eyebrow. When I didn't say anything he walked over to a table, his back to me but I heard him pouring water. "I killed Phillip Connells. He screwed me in a business deal a couple weeks before." He came back over, handing me a glass of water before sitting back in his chair. "I wanted him dead. It was... Convenient.  You were there and it was easy to frame you. Little traumatised, Latina girl against a powerful, white, rich, respectable business man."

"I called it." I said before drinking the water because I was parched. He smirked when I drank, watching me finish every drop. "So, why confess now? I mean you got away with it?" I wiped my mouth with my sleeve.

"Because... Without you the BAU can't prove your innocent. And I needed to buy some time."

"Time for what?" I questioned. His eyes glanced down to my glass and that's when my vision started going blurry. "Oh... Oh no." I let out, I tried getting up. I made my way to the door as my legs felt like jelly. I tried running down the hallway but I couldn't hold my body up anymore as I fell to the floor.

"Time for that." I heard him say before it all went black.

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