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I slowly blinked open my eyes as a small groan left my lips. I felt someone holding my hand as I heard the slow but steady beeping of the hospital machines. I fully opened my eyes and looked to my left to see Nick holding my hand. His eyes were red and puffy as if he'd been crying and he looked like he hadn't slept in days. "Morning." I smiled slightly.

"How are you feeling?" He asked sitting up straighter looking at me with intensity.

"Like I just got shot. I'll live... You on the other hand look like your heart is about to give way." I informed him.

He chuckled. "You gave us all a fright."

"Oh, my deepest apologises. I'll ask the guy nicely next time to not shoot me." I replied sarcastically with a pointed look.

Nick smiled. "You were wrong, you know."

"I'm never wrong so what are you going on about?" I questioned.

"I do care about you. More than I realised. If I had known I had a daughter I would've... Well, I would've come to find you. Everything just happened so fast and knowing it was my fault you were in danger... I thought I needed to wrap you up and send you away to keep you safe. You've been asleep for two days and- and in those couple days I realised how much I do care for you, Mara." Nick slowly explained as tears began to form in my eyes. "So, if you would, please. Please, give me another chance. I know that I've missed the first nine years of your life and you had a father and although he's gone he's still your dad and I'm not expecting to replace him- I know that. But, I would like you to come and live with me. Give me a chance to be some form of father, one that you deserve."

I waited a few seconds before responding. "Wow, that was touching. Did you practise in the mirror?

"Maybe." He admitted.

"Do you own ice cream?" I asked.

"I do." Nick nodded.

"Then I'm in. I suppose I can give you a chance." I replied hesitantly not really knowing if I was telling myself the truth or not. That's when I noticed Gibbs, Bishop, McGee and Quinn coming in. "Morning."

"It's actually seven in the evening I just didn't have the heart to tell you." Nick replied.

"I missed dinner! Seriously? And when I went under I was in the mood for food." I sighed.

"She's definitely your kid." Bishop laughed quietly.

"I can go get some food and bring it back here if you'd like?" McGee suggested.

"That'd be great, Tim. Thanks." Nick smiled. McGee started to walk away but Nick stopped him. "And, Tim... I mean, thanks for everything."

"No problem, Torres." McGee smiled before walking away.

"How are you feeling, Mara?" Gibbs questioned sitting on my right.

"I'm fine. I'll be out of here as soon as the nurses look away." I grinned.

"Nu uh. You are staying right here until you're discharged." Nick told me.

"What? Why can't we just dip as soon as they turn around?" I questioned.

"Well, for one it's illegal if you haven't given them your insurance or any form of contact." Quinn pointed out.

"Oh, right. You're cops." I remembered.

"Agents actually." Nick corrected.

"You do realise I am now gonna call you coppers just to annoy you, right?" I raised my eyebrows.

"I had a feeling you would." Ellie smiled.

"So, when am I being discharged?" I asked looking to Nick.

"When you're better." Nick replied.

"When am I gonna be better?" I questioned.

"When you're discharged." Nick nodded.

"When am I being discharged?" I asked.

"When you're bett- this is gonna go on for a while." He sighed.

"Yep. And you're stuck with me now, pal." I laughed.

Ellie, McGee and Quinn had gone home. I was laying down and trying to get some sleep. I had been trying to fall asleep for a while now so I guess Gibbs and Nick thought I was out. "You can go home, Gibbs. I can watch her." I heard Nick say.

"I have a feeling you need some backup right now, Torres." I heard Gibbs reply.

"Yea, you're probably right." Torres chuckled.

"I'm proud of you. For making the decision you did about Mara. You could've sent her away but you really stepped up. Most men in your position would've backed down." Gibbs said to my dad.

"Thanks, Gibbs. That means a lot." I heard Nick reply.

"She's been through a lot and lost a lot in her time. She deserves a stable home. And... I know I don't say it often but... I'm always here if you need me, Torres. You'll know where to find me."

Maraya TorresOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora