Well, This Is A Development

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I slowly opened my eyes. Feeling cool metal around both of my wrists. They were thicker than handcuffs. When I opened my eyes I realised that they were attached to a long chain. I looked around and noticed that I was in a pretty much empty barn. It held nothing but straw and a large speaker that looked really out of place on the other side of the barn. I was in a corner, I was cold, tired and hungry. Tears pricked at my eyes as I realised what was happening. A silent sob escaped my lips as I stood up. I walked as far as I could which was about three meters, trying to pull on the heavy restraints. They wouldn't give up. I fell to my knees and let out an audible sob, my body started to shake and tears matted my face.

"Morning, Maraya." I heard Josef's voice call out from the barn entry. He walked over and I cowered into the corner. "Don't be scared, princess. I'm not gonna kill you... Yet. I'm still entertained. I've never done this before. The power I have over you is..." He sucked in sharply with a smile. "I could kill you whenever I wanted. I could keep you alive for years and nobody would ever know. Because you ran away." He laughed.

"Please, I won't tell anyone. Just let me go. Please." I begged.

"Nobody would believe you anyways." He shrugged.

"I'll do anything." I said quietly. 

"Why? I have you right where I want you. There's nothing you could give me that would compare to this utter pleasure."

"You're crazy!" I cried.

"Go ahead!" He yelled. "Scream! Nobody can hear you! Go on, Mara! Scream!" When he pulled out a knife I did exactly what he wanted. I screamed as loud as I could, a bloodcurdling, terrified scream left my lips. He screamed with me which turned into laughter but mine turned into pained sobs as I knew he had won. Then he pressed a button on his phone, the speaker started playing his confession. The one I caught on tape. "You wanted to hear me confess? Well, that's all you're gonna hear. 24/7. With nobody to tell. I'll see you tomorrow, princess." He smirked before standing up, dusting off his suit and walking away.

I threw my head back against the wall and screamed again, letting out all my frustration. Hoping that someone, somewhere would hear me. Save me. Help me.

Nick's POV

"She's not here." Gibbs told me.

"She has to be!" I raised my voice slightly.

"Agent, you've got to keep level headed or you're going to have to be removed from this case." Hotch told me.

I was about to answer back when Reid spoke up. "Josef Freeman's house is just two blocks from here. I checked but he's not home." 

"No answer?" Gideon assumed.

"And his car was missing." Morgan continued.

"How could you not keep up with a nine year old? She can't be that fast." I said to them bitterly.

"Nick, now's not the time." Bishop put a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Best guess is that Mara ran away. She's used to that. Chances of us finding her are slim if she ran so the best thing we can do now it prove that she's innocent." Elle informed us.

"We can't just leave her out there alone." McGee responded.

"So, we treat her like a missing child. Not a missing convict. The BAU will focus on what we're here to do and prove that she's innocent. Gibbs, you and your team find her. JJ, I need you to control the media. They can't post about her being a missing kid that ran away from juvey, if they find out all the details they'll jump to conclusions." Hotch explained.

"Got it." JJ nodded, taking her phone out of her pocket and walking away.

"I'll get Garcia to look at all the footage." Morgan stated.

"Ask Abby to help her. Another set of eyes can't hurt and Abby's good." Gibbs pointed out.

"Will do." Morgan agreed, pulling out his phone.

"Are we set on the plan?" Gideon looked around us.

"Yes, sir." Bishop confirmed. I simply nodded, I didn't really want to speak.

"They're liars, daddy. You know I didn't run away. You know what really happened." Mara's voice spoke from beside me, my eyes focusing on her. I noticed the Reid kid staring at me so I cleared my throat and walked away.

Maraya TorresWhere stories live. Discover now