Holding Cell?

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They had taken me to a holding cell. I was sat on the bed with my legs crossed and my head hung low. My face was buried in the palms of my hands as I rested my elbows on my knees. Soft sniffles coming from me every now and again as I tried to fight off the tears. I couldn't go to Juvey, I only have one friend in school. I can't make any other friends nevermind criminal friends. I'd be alone and the man who really committed the murder would be set free. 

"Mara? Are you in there?" I heard the voice of my best friend call out.

"Jacob?" I questioned looking up too see him sitting in his wheelchair outside of the cell. "Yea, I'm here."

"How are you holding up?" He asked.

"Not great." I admitted. "They want me to go away for a murder I didn't commit. I didn't kill that man. You know that, right?"

"Yea, I know. The footage though... It's just cause the other man is rich, white and powerful. I'm so sorry." Jacob said sadly.

"Have you talked to Nick?" I questioned.

"Yea, I passed him in the lobby." Jacob replied.

"Maraya Torres?" A female voice said. "Your lawyer is here."

I nodded and rose from my seat and walked over. "I'll see ya in there."

"In where?" I questioned.

"They need to get you in front of a judge." The lawyer lady said.

After me and my lawyer, Katie, had a short conversation they took me to a small court room. I was lined up behind three other teenagers and they were saying how they plead and their bail was being set. I had looked out to where all the people were watching their kids and family members have their quick conversation with the judge. I looked out to see: Jacob, Nick, Bishop, McGee, Gibbs, Abby, Ducky, Palmer and Vance. Finally it was my turn. "Maraya Torres. Is counsel present?"

"Yes, your honour." Katie said standing up.

"Read the charges." The judge ordered.

"Second degree murder which is a capitol offense." Someone read out.

"How does the defendant plead?" The judge questioned.

"Not guilty." I said after a few seconds.

"Defence requests the defendant to be released on her own and a parent or guardians recognizance." Katie stated.

"Bail is set at 250,000 dollars. Check with the clerk to get a preliminary hearing date. Next." That's when the judge hit his hammer thing and I was dragged away but not before I made eye contact with a distressed looking Nick. There was no way in hell Nick could get that type of money but even if he could he wouldn't spend it on me. I was doomed.

After sitting in a room with teenagers who were all older than me and all of us wearing the same blue uniform a guard told me I had a visitor. They took me to a room where I could see Gibbs through the glass and I could talk to him over a phone. I sat down and picked up the phone putting it to my ear and he did the same. "How you holding up, kid?"

"Oh, ya know... Great. I'm stuck in here with kids who have actually committed crimes and they're all older than me. I just wanna go home." I said quietly.

"Vance is pulling a couple strings. We're gonna get you out and then we'll prove your innocent." Gibbs assured.

"What kind of strings?" I asked curiously.

"He has friends in high places. I bet you'll be out within the hour." Gibbs smiled.

I let a smile grace my face before it fell. "How's Nick?"

"He's uhm... Well, Mara you know he cares about you? He's not in the best state. Like the rest of us he just wants you home." Gibbs informed me.

"How are we gonna prove I'm innocent?" I questioned.

"The tape doesn't actually show the murder and there is no DNA evidence. They just want someone to pin his death on and you happen to be that person." Gibbs said sadly.

"Messed up girl who spent months on the streets being hunted after finding her adoptive parents dead bodies... Yea, that adds up. Still, I didn't kill that man." I sighed.

"We know, kid." Gibbs smiled. "Now, we just gotta prove it."

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