Welcome Back

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I was sat in the hospital bed. My dad had fallen asleep on the sofa he had stayed with me so long. I was malnourished and had a severely broken ankle. There was a knock at the door. "Come in!" I called to it.

When it opened, in walked Dr Spencer Reid. I smiled at him. "How you feeling, Mara?" He asked, sitting on the chair next to me.

"I'm alright, thanks, doc... I uh-... I kinda owe you an apology for... Well, everything." I said, finding it hard to hold his gaze as guilt swallowed me up.

"You have nothing to apologise for. I was actually quite impressed." Reid smirked.

"Really?" I asked with a smile.

"It was a good kick... And headbutt. You're a fast runner, quick thinker. I doubt any other ten year old would be able to do that." Reid complimented. Yea... I turned ten on day seventeen with Josef... I had an amazing birthday. Please sense the sarcasm.

"Thanks, doc... I'm sorry I made you go through all that just to find me." I said, fiddling with my fingers.

"Don't be sorry. It was a pleasure meeting you, Mara... If you ever need anything." Reid handed me his card. "Don't hesitate to call me. I'd love to talk to you sometime about what happened."

"Sure, thank you, doc." I smiled.

"You can call me Spencer." He laughed.

"But I like doc." I teased.

Spencer chuckled standing up out of the chair and extended his hand out for me to shake. "It was a pleasure meeting you, miss Torres."

I just laughed at him and pulled him down for a hug, hesitantly he hugged back and I felt him smile. "It was nice meeting you too, doc." I said before pulling away and settling back down in the bed. He smiled at me once more before leaving the room.

I had met the rest of the BAU team; I thanked them all

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I had met the rest of the BAU team; I thanked them all... And apologised. I went to Josef Morgan's trial and he was sentenced with twenty five to life. I had spent practically all my time with my dad; just spending time with him. It made me happy that we had reconnected. I got a lot of press attention but I didn't engage with any of it. I was still on crutches; even now, three weeks later.

With my father at my side I hobbled into Gibbs's house wearing a blue dress. I wasn't very good at using crutches but I managed. My dad opened the door and in I walked to see a "welcome back" banner hanging high, practically everyone I knew was in there. Even the BAU which I didn't expect. "Surprise!" They all yelled at once making me flinch slightly at the sudden noise.

I laughed taken aback by everything but then I noticed food on the coffee table. "Food." I smiled happily and made my way over there, sitting next to McGee. "Hi, McGeek." I said as I took a couple crisps.

"Hey, kid. How you holding up?" McGee asked.

"Eh, fine." I responded with a mouth full of food. "My ankle hurts, my dad's forcing me to go to therapy as if talking about my problems is gonna help but other than that." I shrugged.

"Ya know, I've known a lot of strong people who went through major trauma and went to therapy. Even Gibbs." McGee informed me.

"Your McLying, right? Gibbs went to therapy?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yep. I think it'll really help you." McGee nodded.

"Thanks... That was really McHelpful actually." I smiled.

"God, you're worse than Tony." McGee chuckled.

"Who?" I tilted my head to the side.

I really did go to therapy to deal with my issues. My relationship with my father got stronger as I dealt with my past problems as well as the more recent ones. I realised I never really grieved my adoptive parents and therapy helped me realise that. I knew I had people around me, supporting me. NCIS, Jacob and the memory of my old life. I knew I had gone through more than most people go through in a life time and I was only ten but I was okay with that. When I'm older I aspire to be an NCIS agent, so I can help other's like my father and the team helped me. My experience taught me that when needed, you shouldn't turn down help. I realised that I couldn't keep going by myself and that's okay. It's okay to ask for help. 

And maybe it's not the things you do along the way that are important, but it's the memories and the friends you make. The legacy you leave behind.

Maraya TorresWhere stories live. Discover now