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The team had decided we weren't gonna sacrifice me and Nick they had chosen to take back the building themselves. We couldn't wait for the morning shift to start because the building was in lockdown and nobody could break in. "Alright, Maraya. You wait under there and don't move. Don't breathe too loud. Don't speak." Nick ordered making me lay down and hide under a cabinet.

"If this thing breaks I'm gonna die." I said to him.

"It's held up for about two centuries. I think you'll be okay." Nick smiled. I nodded and let out a shaky breath. "It's gonna me okay, mi amor." I smiled a small smile and he looked like he was gonna say something else but he decided against it and left the room with the rest of the team.

I waited under that cabinet for what felt like a life time when I got restless. There was no sign of anybody coming back so I snuck out from under the cabinet and slowly and quietly got up. I turned the door handle and looked down both sides but there was nobody coming. I stepped out and walked down the hall and I found the door that led to the stairwell. I walked up the stairs and found the main floor and walked out. I rounded a corner and saw three people with guns with the whole team on their knees with their hands behind their heads. I gasped and Nick's eyes met mine and they widened. One of the goonies turned to see me but I slipped round the wall to quickly.

"Maraya, now that you think this through... Was it the best plan of action?" I muttered to myself. "Probably not." I sighed.

I had snuck away from the main room and down to Abby's lab. I entered it and first off tried using the phone and computers but all of it was down. I sighed and realised I had to go with my original plan. I went over to a cabinet full of chemicals and pulled some out that I recognised. During my time on the streets I made a few friends all who gave me a piece of advice... Know how to make a quick and small bomb. I put together the chemicals and was about to add the last one when I remembered that's what would make it explode. I took my concoction and the extra chemical that would make the kaboom and used the stair well to go back upstairs.

The team were still on their knees with their hands up and there was a group of goonies a few yards in front of them. I quietly made my way behind them before slowly squatting down. I put my potion on the floor and got ready to run. I slipped in the last chemical and bolted. I heard the boom and there were gun shots going off. I had hidden under a desk while I waited for the chaos to stop. Suddenly someone grabbed my arm and pulled me up. They turned me around so my back was pressed to their front, their left hand had a grip on my forearm while their right held a gun to my temple. I sucked in a breath as I looked over at the team who had taken down the goonies who were there and others who had run in. The team slowly looked over to me and they all looked panicked.

"Don't move! Drop the guns or I shoot the kid!" He yelled tightening his grip.

They all slowly lowered their guns to the floor. "Don't hurt her. She's just a kid and has nothing to do with this." Gibbs tried.

"She has everything to do with this! I shoot her and he suffers." He said referring to Torres. "He needs to pay."

"Well you got the wrong girl." I started. "I may be his daughter but he doesn't care about me. Shoot me if you want but you won't be hurting him. You'll be doing him a favour."

"You're lying." The goonie hissed.

"Am I? If he really cared about me don't you think he would've found me? I'm telling you, killing me is just gonna get you a murder charge and be a slight inconvenience. So go ahead; pull the freaking trigger." I explained while slowly reaching for my other pocket knife out of my waistband. He was silent for a few seconds so I took the time to quickly grab it and cram it into his abdomen.

He yelled out in pain dropping to the floor so I took the opportunity to run from him. I almost got over to the team when I felt something sharp and painful lodge into my leg. I screamed and fell down to the floor. I looked over to the goonie and saw him holding a gun while holding onto the knife. I left it in him so he didn't bleed out. Gibbs went over there and got the gun off of him. I didn't see what happened next as Torres scooped me into his arms and held onto me. Bishop put her hands over the wound to try and keep the blood in causing me to yell out at the pain.

Tears stung my eyes and I could hear people talking but not the words they were saying. I was hyperventilating before I met Nick's teary eyes who smiled at me when I met his eyes before it all went black.

Maraya TorresWhere stories live. Discover now