An Unexpected Turn

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Outfit ^^

I had been down in Abby's for a couple hours and I was getting restless. The team had gone out with a few others to bust the main camp and they had brought them all back to NCIS. I didn't like it though, it was far too easy. I was in Abby's back room with Ducky and he was helping me understand the words I had highlighted in my book. With each word he had an interesting story from his past to go with the word and it did help me remember what they meant.

I needed to stretch my legs so I told them I was going for a walk and would be back. The building was practically empty, it was four in the morning, on a Sunday and though I was tired I refused the multiple people who had told me to sleep.

I was walking down a hall to find a vending machine with the money Abby had given me when an announcement came over the speakers. "All staff members to MTAC immediately." Vance' s voice said over the intercom. It sounded strained though and forced. Something was wrong.

I didn't know where MTAC was so I was wondering around trying to find it when I heard chattering. There was quite a few voices that could be heard so I followed the sound. I peeked round the corner and saw all the goonies that they had captured were in the main room talking. I gasped quietly turning back around so my back was to the wall. I followed the signs and went the long way round only to find out that MTAC was being guarded by more goonies and the agents were definitely locked inside.

I went back down down to find Abby's lab again since I didn't know where to hide. On my way there though I heard a voice. Gibbs's voice. Coming from inside a supply closet. "We have to find Maraya before they do." He said.

I opened the supply closet and instantly was met by the barrel of five guns. "Well this was an unexpected turn."

They lowered their guns when they saw me and Nick pulled me in closing the door behind me. He squatted down in front of me and scanned my body for injuries. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did they see you?"

"I'm fine, got a headache but I'm not hurt and no they didn't see me. I'm to awesome for that." I replied and he nodded with a subtle smile. "What's with the Die Hard going on outside?"

"You've seen that film? That's not appropriate." Nick pointed out.

"After I was shot the first time I figured that pretty much any film I wanted was appropriate." I shrugged.

Nick nodded picking me up and sitting me on his hip for some reason. Guess he wanted to hold me close to keep me safe. "How did they escape holding?" Quinn asked.

"Smith was working with them." McGee answered.

"That guy from HR? Man, I liked that guy." Nick complained.

"Yea, well he didn't like you. He started working here a week after you did. They've got everyone locked up in MTAC. All the doors are locked and there's a signal jammer so we have no access to the outside world." Gibbs explained.

"So it's up to us?" Ellie asked.

"Every hour that goes by that Maraya and Nick Torres don't come to the main room we'll shoot one of your work colleagues. Maybe we'll start with the old guy with the doctors coat, or that goth girl. Either way, clock's ticking." A voice over the intercom that I didn't recognise said.

"Huh." I muttered.

"We gotta get out of here, Gibbs." Ellie stated.

"They want me cause you got some guy killed while undercover. My best guess is they want to kill me for revenge." I pointed out looking at Nick.

"We won't let that happen." Gibbs assured.

"Oh, I'm not worried. They're kinda like storm troopers, crap fighters and even crappier shots." I shrugged.

"Good to know." Quinn smiled.

"So... What's the plan, Gibbs?" McGee asked.

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