Names And Faces

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Outfit ^^

I had run far from the cafeteria that I had gotten to the main room without even realizing it. I rounded a corner while still running and bumped into a pair of legs. This knocked me back and I fell back onto my butt. I looked up to see Gibbs who frowned when he saw my tear streaked face. He squatted down in front of me putting down his coffee and started talking. "What's wrong, Mara?"

"I know, Gibbs. I know that Torres... Nick Torres is my father. Gibbs, he knows the people who are after me. I heard them talking before and they know him. For all I know he could be the one who sent them." I expalined.

"Mara... Torres didn't send those men after you. My best guess is that they're people trying to get back at him for what he did while undercover." Gibbs told me.

"How long was he undercover?" I asked.

"Eight years." Gibbs replied.

"What did he do?" I questioned a little shocked.

"Took down a really bad guy. But he did make some enemies along the way. If you can give me names and faces of the people you've seen, I can arrest them." Gibbs smiled.

"And after that? Where will I go?" I asked.

"Let's cross that bridge when we come to it." Gibbs smiled again and stood up taking my hand and his coffee with him. "We have a deal?"

"Yea, we have a deal." I nodded and smiled.

I was in Abby's lab. I was describing to Bishop the people I had seen and telling Abby the names I had heard. I didn't forget a single one of them. Ducky had also very kindly gotten me a lolly which I was enjoying while I was sat on the table. I had given about fifty faces and only ten useful names to go with the faces. Couldn't exactly track them down on a first name bases. "Is there anything else you wanna tell us, Mara?" Abby asked when I had given them the final bit of information.

"These guys won't be fun to catch. I call them goonies for a reason. They're not human. They've been tracking a nine year old and have done multiple things to try and catch me, they've killed people in the process... Their also sexist, only men have ever come after me." I explained.

"Don't worry, we're gonna catch them." Bishop smiled and I nodded.

"I'll run these through the system." Abby took the papers and started doing weird tech stuff.

"Come on, Mara. Let's go upstairs and grab your bag so you can change clothes." Bishop said getting up and helping me off the table.

"Okay, bye Abby." I waved over my shoulder.

"Bye, Mara." Abby waved back.

Me and Bishop got into the elevator and she pushed the button to the main floor. "Can I ask you something?" I looked to her.

"Of course." Bishop nodded with a kind smile.

"What's Nick like?"

"Who Torres? He's a good guy. Would do anything for anyone. He's kind, sweet and selfless. I can promise you he's not wrapped up in with the goonies." Bishop called them goonies to which made me smile.

"So are you and him like... Together?" I questioned.

"Me and-and Torres?" She started laughing. "No, no, no. God no, where did you get that from?"

"No reason." I said looking at her suspiciously to which she just looked confused before looking away.

We entered the main room and saw the team sitting at their respective desks. I could see in the corner of my eye that Nick was staring at me but I avoided looking at him at all. Ellie went to her desk and grabbed my backpack handing it to me. "The bathroom is just down the hall for you to get changed." Ellie said pointing at it.

"Thanks." I nodded before walking off.

Just as I rounded the corner and looked over my shoulder I saw the team gathering around Nick's desk. I put my bag down and snuck around so I was hiding behind a near by desk to over hear them. "Nick." Bishop stated.

"Bishop." Torres replied in the same monotone voice.

"What are you going to do, Nick?" Gibbs asked.

"I don't know." Torres sighed.

"Well man up." Gibbs replied.

"What?" Torres asked.

"That little girl needs you. And take it from someone who lost a daughter, it's not a nice feeling. She's just lost her parents, she's been homeless and chased down for the past four months. Don't you think she could use with some stability?" Gibbs lectured.

"How am I supposed to take care of her?" I heard a chair moving and I knew it was him standing up. "Huh? Tell me, how am I suddenly suppose to snap into father mode and take care of a nine year old girl and be her father when there's been another man raising her." Torres's voice was raising.

"You figure it out, Torres. It's not just you anymore." Gibbs replied matching his volume and nobody said anything else.

"Did I miss something?" I heard a female voice asked from behind me.

I slowly turned around while still squatting down and I put my finger to my lips signalling for her to be quiet. She slowly nodded at me confused before looking up to the team. "Quinn, glad you could join us." Gibbs said.

"What's going on? Why isn't it just Torres anymore and while is there an eight year old sitting on the floor?" Quinn questioned. 

Everyone walked round the desk and stood by her looking at me. "I'm nine, actually." I shrugged with a cheeky grin.

Maraya TorresWhere stories live. Discover now