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3rd person POV

Nick sat at his desk. He had a photo of Maraya next to the photo of himself. He stared at her happy, smiling face as a guilt ate him up inside. Nick hadn't even realised he was so deep in thought until he felt a shaking on his shoulder. When Nick looked up he saw Bishop standing there with her hand on his shoulder. "You alright?" She asked softly.

Nick forced a small smile onto his face. "I'll be fine." He answered.

"Stop lying to her, daddy. You're not fine." Mara said from the other side of him. Of course, she wasn't really there. Mara had been in a juvenile detention centre for the last month. He'd see her sometimes, hallucinations, her voice in his head. Nobody noticed though because he never acknowledged her when there were other people there. The team knew there was something wrong but he forced that same smile on his face.

"Vance wants us in his office." Bishop said.

Nick nodded and stood up. They walked side by side to Vance's office where Gibbs and McGee already was. When they walked in they saw quite a few people. Around the table was six people. Four of which he didn't recognise. Standing  by the television was two more people he didn't recognise. "What's going on?" Nick asked.

"Agent Torres." Vance greeted while he and Gibbs sat on opposite ends of the table. "This is Agent Hotchner, Agent Gideon, Jennifer Jareau-"

"JJ." She corrected from her place by the screen. 

"Agent Greenaway, Dr Spencer Reid and Agent Morgan. They're from the BAU." Vance continued.

"FBI?" Nick questioned, crossing his arms over his chest. 

"We know about your daughter." Hotchner said and Vance pulled up a photo of Mara on the screen.

"They're gonna tell you I'm guilty." Mara said from her place beside him. Nick eyes glanced in her direction before looking up at the screen.

"She was wrongly arrested." Nick confirmed. "Sorry, why are you here?"

"We wanna help prove her innocent." Gideon confirmed.

"It's not FBI jurisdiction." Nick shook his head.

"No, sir. We work where we're called in." JJ said walking over. "Director Vance called us in to help prove that your daughter didn't kill anyone and to get her released from the juvey." She smiled kindly.

"You went behind my back?" Nick asked Vance.

"We didn't get anywhere, Nick. If we don't get specialist help she's gonna stay locked up." Vance confirmed.

"The FBI just want to cover Josef's ass because there's too much heat on him from the press. Don't listen to them, dad." Mara continued.

"You just wanna cover Josef's ass." Torres said.

"I assure you, sir. We don't. We saw the court and her sentencing. It was completely unfair and we wanna help." JJ replied.

"Don't listen to them, dad." Mara said in a sing song voice, walking around the table and looking at the agents.

"You guys are just bumped up nerds who think you can help people. Stay away from my daughter. She's been through enough." Nick raised his voice slightly.

"Torres, that's enough." Gibbs ordered calmly.

"Agent Torres, don't take this the wrong way but how long have you been seeing your daughter?" Dr Reid spoke up.

"Excuse me?" Nick furrowed his eyebrows.

"The hallucinations. How long have they been going on?" Dr Reid confirmed.

"Wh- hallucination? What's this kid talking about?" Nick rolled his eyes.

"He's good at what he does, Agent Torres. Answer the question." Greenaway narrowed her eyes slightly.

"She called my dad." Nick said softly.

"Pardon?" Gideon pushed.

"While the cop was dragging her away... She called me dad... That was the first time she said it. Mara was so terrified. She-... Listen, I want my daughter back. So, I need to know that you guys aren't just going to try and get the heat off of Josef Freeman." Torres said softly.

"The team is good, Agent. You can trust us." JJ assured. Nick nodded in understanding.

"You're seriously going to listen to these guys? This one looks like collage nerd." Mara said looking up at Reid. The height difference was quite amusing to Nick so he let a small smile grace his face.

"We'd like to go and speak to your daughter." Morgan spoke up.

"She won't let anyone see her. I tried to visit but the guards told me that she didn't want to see anyone." Nick shook his head.

"So, we get the guards to tell her that new evidence has come to light." McGee suggested.

"You really think you can help her?" Bishop pushed.

Hotchner nodded. "As long as she lets us."

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