I Didn't Do It

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Outfit ^^

I was at the office with Nick and the team. They were all doing boring paperwork while I was sat on the floor doing my homework. I was writing out my English sentences. I hated work, I loved running and sports. I wanted to get up and do something. I stood up with a sigh and turned to Nick. "I'm bored."

"You have homework to finish." He stated without looking up.

"Boring homework. I don't wanna do it." I replied.

"Sorry, mi amor, but sometimes we gotta do things we don't want to." Nick sighed looking up to me.

"But why do it when you don't want to? Why not just do fun things?" I questioned.

"Because that's not how life works." Nick reminded me.

"Well then life is stupid." I argued.

Nick sighed. "Come here." Nick said pulling me over to him after wheeling out his chair. I sat on his knee and he pointed to his paper work. "I don't wanna do this paper work. It's stupid. But it's part of the job. You know I fight bad guys and get to do all the fun stuff? Well with the fun stuff... Comes the boring stuff. Life is full of compromises. You go to school and you get to play with all the cool toys and make friends. You also gotta do the work." Nick lectured.

"I don't get what any of this has to do with properly using full stops." I deadpanned.

"You'll appreciate that speech when you're older." Nick told me.

"Already forgot the first thing you said." I stated.

"Nick, let the girl take a break. You're frying her brain." Quinn pointed out.

"If she takes a break she won't start again." Nick sighed.

"That's not true! Remember that pizza I started? Well I finished that for lunch the next day." I reminded him.

"To be fair that's only because I forgot to give you lunch." Nick shrugged.

"You gave her leftover pizza for lunch?" Bishop asked.

"And it was cold." I added.

"Wasn't that bad." Nick defended.

"White people make hotter chicken." I deadpanned.

Gibbs chuckled. "Torres, I'm sure she's done enough about full stops but you haven't done enough paper work."

"I gotta get back to work. Full stops aren't that difficult. If you do that we'll get burgers for dinner." Nick said placing me on the floor.

"Do you only feed her fast food?" McGee raised his eyebrows.

"I cook." Nick defended.

"What do you cook?" Bishop smirked.

"Not bacon." I laughed remembering when he almost burnt down the kitchen that morning.

"You are not telling that story. Do your homework." Nick said and I laughed before carrying on writing my sentences.

I had finished my homework and was just spinning around in circles. "You're gonna get dizzy." Nick said in a sing song voice.

"I'm bored. I wanna go home." I said once I stopped spinning and looked to him with a bit of a wobble.

"Just a little while longer, mi amor." Nick sighed.

I heard the ding of the elevator and since most people apart from team Gibbs and the odd night staff had gone home I looked to see who was coming in. Two men and a woman in FBI suits marching in towards us. I looked at them with a slightly confused expression and the rest of the team looked confused. They stopped a few feet in front of me and all glared at me? Nick stood up behind me putting his hands on my shoulders. "Maraya Torres?" The woman asked.

"What do you want?" Nick asked.

"Maraya Torres, you're under arrest for the second degree murder of Phillip Connells. You-" He was about to read out my rights as he pulled out handcuffs.

"What? I didn't kill anybody." I defended.

Nick pushed me back as Quinn pulled me back. "What do you think your doing? She's nine, she hasn't killed anybody!" Nick yelled.

"Actually, sir. She did. Our evidence all points to that young lady." One of the men told Nick.

"What are you-" Nick began yelling again.

"Torres, calm down." Gibbs ordered pulling him back.

"Calm down? They're trying to accuse my daughter of murder!" Nick shouted.

"Sir, if you don't calm down we'll be forced to arrest you too." The lady said. 

One of the men came round and roughly grabbed my arm pulling me towards him. "Get off me!"

"Mara, you have to let them take you." Gibbs stated.

"I... I what?" I looked to him.

"If you don't cooperate it'll only make things worse." Gibbs replied.

"I don't wanna go." I shook my head as the man put the handcuffs on behind my back and tightened them as much as he could. "I didn't do it."

"You have the right to remain silent." The man started reading out my rights but it was all a blur. He walked me out of the building escorted by the other two as everyone stared at me. I could hear Nick yelling while Bishop and Gibbs tried to calm him down. My vision went blurry with tears as he pushed me into the back of a car.

"I didn't do it." I whispered to myself.

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