New Home

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Outfit ^^

A month had gone by. I had settled up in a small town, not the town I used to live in because that would just be an obvious move. This town was pretty rural, nobody knew my past. I told them I moved in with my parents, really I just squatted in an abandoned house. The school didn't care much, I gave them the address but they never connected the dots. I still had a limp and my ankle still hurt when I put to much pressure on it, like when I ran but I didn't need to run anymore and I still didn't seek medical attention for it.

I kept my hair short, I was quiet, didn't make any friends, always had my head down and just did my work. I made sure that I didn't stand out. I just blended in. Maraya Torres, the quiet, new girl. I was okay with that. Although, I missed Jacob, Bishop, McGee, Gibbs... Of course I missed my father but there was no way I'd see him again. The news on me had died down, obviously I was still missing but I wasn't the main news story anymore. My name was mentioned from time to time but I played it off as being a popular Latina name. When they said I looked like the girl on the tv I manipulated them into thinking they were being racist by categorising Spanish girls... Was it totally moral? No. Did I care? Also no.

I was sitting in my class, I sat at the back naturally, I was doing my work. I did struggle with school but I always tried my best. I was practising my spelling when the door opened but I didn't look up. I knew they were having a hushed conversation but the teacher's privet life wasn't important to me so I didn't attempt to eaves drop. I did, however, pay attention when she called out. "Maraya." I looked up to see her talking with Morgan... From the FBI... Well shit. "This gentlemen needs to talk to you."

I stared at him for a few seconds, I was in luck though. My classroom had two doors and I happened to be sitting by the other one. I shot up from my seat and bolted out the door. I ran through the hallways. "Maraya! Mara, stop!" He yelled while chasing me. 

I didn't respond, I turned left and ran down a flight of stairs into another hallway. I bumped into someone, I looked up and saw none other than Dr Spencer Reid. "Doc." I acknowledged and tried moving past him. He held onto my shoulders though.

"Mara, it's time to stop running. You're safe." He said squatting down, bringing his face level with mine.

I scoffed. "We'll see." I brought my head back before roughly slamming it into his noes.

"Ah, son of a-" He cut himself off when I ran around him but he grabbed my waist and dragged me back.

"Get off of me, creep!" I screamed at him.

"Maraya, stop struggling. We're here to help you." Derek insisted.

"Get off me!" I yelled at Reid as he kept his hands around my waist. "Stop it! Let go!" 

In my attempt to get out, he allowed me to fall to the floor. I was on my back when he pinned my wrists above my head in his left hand. With his right hand he pushed down on my thighs so I'd stop fighting. "Mara, we're here to help. Your father is alive. Josef Morgan never killed him."

"You're lying, you Disney princess hair asshole!" I yelled at him.

"I-... What? No, Nick Torres is alive." Reid assured me.

"Ya know what, Reid? For a doctor, you're not very smart." I challenged.

"How's that?" Derek pushed.

"He's pinning down a ten year old girl in a hallway. Hell, even better your hand in on my thighs." I laughed. "Help! Help! Paedophile!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Mara, stop it." Reid tried, I got my right leg free and kicked him in the crotch. Teachers flooded the hallways as well as some students. Reid got pulled off me, Derek started to explain. This bought me enough time to run. I ran to the exit of the building and through the streets. I passed a few cop cars but they didn't see me. 

I got into my new home and grabbed my go bag. I pulled my beanie further down onto my head, my duffel over my shoulder as I started walking towards the bridge that led you out of town. However I saw police cars blocking the bridge. I noticed Agent Jareau and Agent Greenaway there as well. I spun around on my heel. I shut my eyes tightly. I let an agitated sigh leave my lips before I started to walk.

"Maraya!" I heard a man's voice behind me. But I knew that voice. I turned around and I was faced with Gibbs. I let a small smile grace my lips. He smiled widely at me. "It's good to see you, kid."

"Gibbs... I- I... I just want to be left alone. Why can't you just leave me alone?" I asked, my voice cracking as I fought off tears.

"Because that wouldn't be very fair on your father." Gibbs shrugged. "By the way, that's Hotch and Gideon with McGee, Bishop and Torres over there. Had to pull in the big guns to track you down." 

I stared at Nick as he started walking towards me. Everyone was quite close and we were all in ear shot distance now that everyone was silent. There was a few people wearing FBI vests and the people I knew were wearing NCIS vests. "Mara." He breathed out. 

"No... No, you're dead!" I screamed at him, tears filling my eyes. "Josef killed you! He told me! He told me that he shot you!" I dropped my duffel on the floor.

"I'm right here, mi amor." Nick was very clearly fighting off tears and I was in the same state. "Please, come here, baby."

"You're- you're-" I cut myself off as I slowly walked towards him. Nick dropped to his knees, waiting for me to go to him, he didn't want to spook me. I noticed Reid and Morgan were also here now, watching the scene unfold. "But, you... You died." I stopped walking about ten feet in front of him.

He shook his head. "He lied to you. I'm right here, sweetheart."

"Dad?" I asked and he nodded. I broke out into a sprint as I ran to him. Wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. His arms were tightly around my back. His face was buried into the crook of my neck and I felt him crying. He leaned forward so I was almost laying on the floor but he was holding onto me to tight.

"I love you, mi amor. I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry." He apologised.

"You have nothing to apologise for." I whispered. He stood up, still carrying me, even if he tried to drop me it wouldn't have worked because I refused to let go. "I love you too, dad."

Maraya TorresWhere stories live. Discover now