Chapter 1: Facility 27-102

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A big armored truck drove through the woods, the forest was surrounded by mountains, this truck was designed to get through. It drove at a steady pace, in the back guards stayed calm, their armor thick and their faces covered.

At the back, near the middle of the truck, a girl was sitting, tied up so she couldn't get free. Her arms tied against her body and her legs tied down at her ankles. She stared, looking around at the guards, who didn't even look in her direction.

The move was usually mandatory as the other warehouse she was at had problems with folk trying to escape. She was being transferred to a more secure location for obvious reasons. But she knew something else was the reason to her move locations so quickly.

The vehicle stopped, she heard the men's conversation and soon the vehicle moved again. It pulled into the high-tech parking zone and the doors of the truck opened.

She lifted her head, looking up as a woman stood staring at a clipboard, "Subject 3114-2956. You will be staying at Facility 27-102 for the foreseeable future. Any attempt to leave without permission will result in harsh punishment. Do you understand what is required of you?"

She nodded in response but knew her voice wasn't truly what mattered. The woman was clearly the one in charge, with her dark hair, green eyes, and clear emotional detachment from everything that may happen at the facility.

The girl was held in a quarantine room to insure nothing got into the facility. The room was narrow and tall, but it was unable to be broken from the inside. It was made of metal, she could see claw marks on the roof and dents in the sides. But barley was the metal damaged from the failed attempts to escape...

She was took to a large room, designed for their experiments for less hostile creatures such as herself. She watched as a scientist came in, setting down a large box and grabbing a syringe inside.

The scientist flicked the syringe, clearing out the bubbles from the thick orange and yellow swirling serum. She watched as he checked the clipboard next to him, then he spoke, "Test 375, Subject 3114-2956. Serum sample 358-907."

She winced in pain as he injected it into her shoulder, immediately pain entered her system as the serum traveled through her bloodstream. He began to write something down as he talked to the camera and mic across from the metal plate she was strapped to, "Subject has responded well to the serum. Body has began process of change. Time till full change is over: 12 to 20 days."

She winced more, the pain was nearly unbearable to handle, though it wasn't like she felt worse before. She looked with her eyes over to the observation room high above on the second floor. The woman in charge watched as the other scientists steady worked on their computers, monitoring her vitals and such.

The woman had a plain face, she obviously didn't care how much it hurt to the girl. The girl turned and looked back at the ceiling above her, as the scientist got another syringe ready, speaking again to the recording system as before, "Test 376, Subject 3114-2956. Serum sample 358-908."

And the process continued for the rest of the day. Each test got more painful than the last, and each got worse than the last....

~To be continued in chapter 2~

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