Chapter 4: Growth

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They traveled through the forest for sometime, not knowing where they were going, but somehow they knew it was a safe direction. 3114 wasn't conscious for sometime, but while she was unconscious they figured out how to live off the land.

They got their restraints off just as she finally began to gain her mind back into order. She sleepily grumbled and looked at them, she was shocked, they had wings that were designed for flight.

6573 spread her large black-ish scaled wings out for the first time in a while and 9583 spread his big blue and silver edged wings out too. They seemed so relieved as 9520 zipped back from somewhere with great confidence, "Trackers disposed of at a random location. They probably think I took us all there to avoid being found. Honestly I hope they find the trackers so they know how stupid they're brains actually are."

9583 shook his head, folding his wings into a comfortable position, "You can't fix stupid." Before 9520 could respond 6573 cut in, "You would know wouldn't you?" Quickly 9520 "Oooooo"d at the audible burn she gave him.

3114 wanted to laugh, but she couldn't help but feel pain all over her top half, including her ribcage which felt like it was breaking itself from the serums. Her spine also hurt, including around her back shoulder area.

She groaned, wincing in deep pain from everything they had put in her. Quickly their attention was on her, checking if she was hungry or thirsty. But of course she was, all the facilities ever gave her were nutrient packed blocks of cardboard. If they even cared to give her the food in the first place.

The surgeries had required her to not have food in her system, so she felt exhausted of food. Quickly they showed that they knew how to start a fire, but of course they had to be careful to not draw attention to themselves. No smoke was wanted, so instead of a wood fire, 9583 opened his hand up revealing his ability of fire manifestation and manipulation.

9520 lifted up some fish on a stick they had already caught and 9583 cooked them all well. They each had 4 fish, and everyone was so hungry that they all ate their portions quickly.

3114 relaxed, laying against the large roots of the giant tree she had been laid against. She started to listen to the natural world around them, birds, crickets, cracking branches from animals trying to hide, and the knocking of a large wood pecker who steady made it's house.

She smiled, speaking softly through her pain filled and raspy-ish throat, "Why couldn't we experience this part of the world before....?" Her words seemed heartbreaking for them, as they knew the organization that kept them knew the true reason for their suffering.

She shrugged slightly then again softly spoke, "We're safe now.... Right?" 6573 sighed, "I really hope we are. If not, we won't stop till everyone of the Specials are safe from those monsters." That kinda made 3114 feel better, but she couldn't shake the feeling something was changing inside of her.

~2 days later~

The group had made it to a very thick part of the forest, and they know they could only be tracked on foot if their enemies tried to follow. 3114 was lowered into a bush that was thick and covered her completely.

Her body was in more pain then ever and they didn't want to stress her body out more than it could handle. So she was left to rest in a safe place, knowing her location was easy actually as 6573 had great scent glands. Also 9520 was extremely fast and could find her and move her if need be-

They went for food and water as she was left there by herself, alone with everything wild around her.

~A few hours later~

She moved, turning and laying down on her belly, grumbling in a pain nobody could imagine... The serum was taking affect quickly as she groaned hurting from it all...

Slowly, a small team surrounded her area, but they were different form the captures who held them before. They had black clothes to blend in to the low light levels the thick canopy gave, and they had black scarfs around their mouths and nose to hide their faces from being identified.

Slowly one of them moved towards the bush, suddenly, wings sprouted from it!
The wings were white, soft, beautiful. They seemed to glow with the little light that made it through the branches of the mighty trees.

3114 pulled the pair of wings back into her hiding place as her body still felt more pain within. The one who got close shook his head to the other folk and they disappeared back into the woods. Just then 6583 and the others came back.

9520 quietly peered into the bush to check on her, he softly gasped in amazement. He got the others over and they saw her beautiful new wings, along with a bird-like tail to match.

6583 sniffed the air, she smelled those unknown folk and warned the others about them, they all agreed to move and so gathered the resources they had, grabbed 3114 and left the area.

They couldn't risk being caught and taken away to die...

Not now... And not ever again shall they experience that suffering...

~To be continued in chapter 5~

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