Chapter 11: Their Past

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Ora walked them along, the group followed behind as Crystal and the shy girl walked alongside the old one. She was leading them towards a large building against the back corner wall of the cavern. They walked unsure as the old building creaked from dry rot and the smell of mold in the air was evidence the building wasn't used often.

The group came to a stop as the old one knocked twice on the door with her cane. The door had a red light above it, which turned green and the door opened with a creaky weak swing. The mechanism opening it was definitely newer than the door. It was clearly easy to tell that the building was off limits to the other people who lived in the caverns.

They followed as they walked down a dark hallway, down a staircase, and into an old room with a guy at the only computer and desk at the back. She told the group to sit as she also took a seat on a wood rocking chair at the back of the many chairs set in front of her.

She waited till they were seated and spoke, "You all wished yesterday to know more of your past. You must remember, this is no longer who you are. You have grown and became something the evil folk will regret. You must be ready for everything you are about to see. Are you?"

They looked at one another and agreed. Ready to see the past....

~The first video is played on the screen in front of them~

The screen showed a little boy with dark brown hair sitting behind a desk. His eyes watched as a man walked in the room. The man spoke but they couldn't hear his voice clearly, "State your name and known abilities child."

The little boy said his name, "Timmy." But quickly he asked, "What does abwililyz mean?" The man sighed, "It means what makes you a Special?" "Ooooh ummmm..."

The boy thought for a second before speaking up, "I cans um.... I not sure." He sounded confused as he straightened his green jacket some. The man looked at the camera, well- behind it, and then bent down to his level, "Timmy was it?" He nodded innocently, "I'm going to have you brought to a safe place. Where you can learn your abilities and help many people. Alright?"

The boy seemed excited and nodded, the video cut to the boy a few years older, chained down.... screaming and crying. Wanting the pain to end but the experiment continued.

The video cut to a few year ago when he had been moved to the last facility he had been in. He was again in an experiment room where he was put on a treadmill and told to run. He broke it easily with his speed and slammed against the wall. The workers came in and worked to clean the mess as he was brought out on a metal bed heading towards a serum experiment room.

They glanced at Jason who had his fist balled and angry. Now knowing what had happened to himself. But the videos weren't over yet.

~The second video is displayed in front of them~

The camera is rolling, watching a little girl with black hair twiddling her thumbs and looking down. She was shy and didn't really wanna talk as a woman asked her for her name. The woman was getting impatient quick and spoke up, "What is your name child?" The girl lifted her head frightened and she nervously spoke, "R-rachel-"

The woman sighed and then asked the same question that was asked to the boy. The girl spoke while still being scared, "I-i'm not s-sure-" the woman nodded and took a note. Then, said the same thing to her as the man did to the boy, "Well Rachel. I'm going to have you brought to a safe place. Where you can learn your abilities and help many people. Alright?"

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