Chapter 15: Training

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The old one lead the group over to the training arena for a briefing over how it worked. She sent the guy and girl out into the arena past the yellow line. The traps set off, saw blades through the ground, swinging axes from the sides and above, and the wall tiles extended out to crush anything that they could.

They dodged fire coming from pipes in the ground and from the ones on the walls. They jumped over spikes of different sizes and made it to the end after dodging some more weapons. When they landed at the end they turned around and had smug looks on their faces.

The group was unsure of what to do but the old one told them to not fly and to get through it one at a time. She then walked to the door in the side and appeared in the observation room and spoke through the mic, "Alright everyone! James, your turn first."

James swallowed his gut back down and made his way across the field, dodging and praying he wouldn't lose a limb or a wing. One by one they went across, some made it by easier than the others and some made sure to take it as slow as possible to avoid the dangerous traps.

The group was exhausted but the 2 others just laughed at them for being slow. The old one came downstairs and out another door on the side to insure she didn't have to go through it herself.

She walked up to them congratulating them on making it across the training arena. Next they would have to fight one of the 2 apprentices of her's.

"My my, where are my manners? We didn't even introduce eachother did we?"

She gave her name, Torga, and told of the others, "He is Rocher and she is Fornuca."

Within minutes they were guided to another room to train and fight with her apprentices.

Ella sat up in her medical bed, being given a drink of fresh green tea with a bit of peppermint added to it. She was hesitant at first but after drinking a sip she enjoyed it greatly. Henry sat beside her and had him a large mug of coffee for himself.

She was astounded by the size of the mug and he let her compare it to her mug they had used for her drink. The doctor talked with one of the heros, telling him of the information given to him by Henry and Ella over everything that happened a few hours ago.

The doctor was told to get them to the food court so they could get full of fresh energy.

James was facing off against Rocher, they both held a staff for the fight. Rocher attacked first, swinging from the right then left and back again. James was struggling to keep up as his reflexes weren't so sharp.

Fornuca was fighting Raven with both them having the same weapons as the boys. They were also fighting, though Raven had the upper hand since her strength was more than her translucent opponent who could easily be knocked back by her hits.

Fornuca wasn't going to give up easily and neither was Raven. The 2 gave it their all and Torga had to call them shortly to stop as the training room was getting dented badly from their fight.

The same could be said with the boys as they were denting the walls due to James having just as much of Raven's strength as Rocher who seemed to be an equal match with him. Torga was quick to remind everyone that it was lunchtime and had her 2 apprentices lead the group to the food court.

They arrived to find Henry arm wrestling 2 guys on either side of him with his middle pair of arms. He used his top pair to eat with and his last pair to hold Ella in his lap. She ate a big sub sandwich layered with ham, turkey, cheese, lettuce, and rotisserie chicken pieces that was all warm and melted together thanks to the cheese.

There was two of these sandwiches that she greatly enjoyed, though she was still on the first piece of the first one. Henry had a huge ham leg that was deliciously toasted and seasoned. He easily beat the 2 guys he was arm wrestling and continued to eat his meal.

There was a group of men gathered around the table to look at Ella who didn't pay any mind to them. When one of the guys touched her wing Henry grabbed his wrist and twisted it, making the guy waddle off in pain. Though he never let her know what he was doing, for all she knew he was just arm wrestling and eating at the same time.

The group got their food and sat down at the table, but the group of guys stayed just to check out the girls. Fornuca snapped at them, "Can't you pervs see we're trying to eat here!? Huh!? Gain a brain will ya!? Get lost!"

She scared them off as some of the older and more experienced heros looked their way. After the crowd had cleared Henry told the group about what the doctor found.

"He said her body is getting rid of the chemicals itself. Like it's using them as if she was a fireplace or something."

"So she's literally getting rid of the chemicals naturally?"

"Yep. And she's taking it with a stride. Whatever happened down there she activated something and now she's recovering."

The group felt good about this and continued to eat their meals. Ella ate both footlong sandwiches and soon found herself falling asleep from it all. Rocher put on glasses with red and green lenses and seemed confused as he could see the UV light emanating from her chest.

It was glowing brighter than before as it encapsulated her whole upper torso and slightly into her arms and neck. Rocher explained what he saw but couldn't explain why it was happening besides the information already given about her condition.

Henry got done eating and told them he was taking her to her room for her to rest. The group agreed and he walked out of the food court.

(To be continued in chapter 16)

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