Chapter 18: Power 2/4

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The Gang sat or paced back and forth as the hero leaders were talking over what to do. James twiddled with a pen, he stared at the ground in anger and kept his composure as much as possible. But he couldn't help but breat the pen from anger,

"We should be down there getting her back. Not sitting here like some helpless children."

Torga came up to the group,
"Come now young ones. The time shall come soon for your battle to begin... But for now, we need an army..."

They looked at each other, thinking the same thing-

Ella was strapped down tightly to the metal bed she had been strapped to all her life. She had almost forgotten how cold it's steel surface was but she couldn't control what they did and she couldn't get free on her own.

She was muzzled and her head was strapped down to the metal bed as the woman stood in the observation deck next to a figure that stood in darkness. He spoke to her and she nodded, then he disappeared through a door.

Ella struggled but it was no use, they knew her far too well for her to get free. A man came out of the main doorway as the men got done strapping and restraining her.

He stared and she knew who he was... His eyes were red from surgeries and his hair was black like death. He smiled with almost the appearance of fangs... He was the leader over the entire organization.

She wanted to run but she couldn't and her fear only made him smile, then he spoke,

"I've waited a long time to gain from this organization I've built. And you are the key to my success. Little child."

He grinned and got to his operation bed, which as of course not as bad as her experience. He and she were given shots and both of them feel asleep.

Her chest was carefully opened and she was examined for any damages to her heart. Her heart-

It glowed from something unknown and sat in her ribcage like it was a throne and definitely couldn't just be put in his body all willy nilly. So they began the operation to create a new heart from tissue samples of her own heart.... Big samples...

(Raven's artwork! I take NO credit for her awesomeness!)

(Raven's artwork! I take NO credit for her awesomeness!)

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Henry stood over where she had been sleeping at when she was took, he stared as he thought about what he could have done to protect her when he noticed something odd...

There was some kind of residue on the sheet as if they had done something to her before they took her. He looked closer and realized something, causing him to take off the sheet and rush to the criminal evidence inspection center on the 5th level of the station.


She slowly opened her eyes, seeing only but bright lights she shut them... The sleeping agent lasted only 5 hours before her body broke it down quickly. She was hurting all over her chest and she was too in pain to realize what was happening.

The leader stood looking at the screen with data on it with anger,

"Your telling me I can't have a total replacement but you can grow a new heart outside her body!?"

He was angry, all that time wasted on growing her and he could have had his own new heart by now! He yelled in anger and wanted to know how long it would take, they said a day or less at that pleased him.

He calmed and ordered her taken to the labs after the samples were done and his order was done. She was sowed up and transported down a long hallway... It was tiled and painted pure white.

With pain running her body's actions she could only sleep, hoping she'd be healed before the next day, before her suffering continued....

All Henry could do was watch as the machine annualized the substance found on her sheets, his eyes opened wide as the results came back. The residue was made of her blood, but mostly of the antibodies that white blood cells use to fight attacking bios within the body.

Her body tried to protect itself but it hadn't succeeded-
But another thing he thought of came to mind, how did they paralyzed her, it was like she saw something and frozen from fear.

But what?

The evil man stood watching as the new heart was being grown in front of him, his smile grew when one of the scientists said it would be completed tomorrow.....

And that his new found power could be inserted tomorrow.

[To be continued in part 3]

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