Chapter 17: A Relationship?

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Henry and Gang got done with training, having changed their tones after what happened a week ago. Ella was recovering and her beastly parts had finally faded away.

As she walked down the hallway she encountered some guy heros who were headed towards the obstacle course area. She didn't want to draw attention to herself as she was still getting used to not having giant wings on her back as stepped to the side to allow them to pass.

However they had slightly different plans. They surround her and started to flirt, much to her confusion and discomfort as she still had no idea what "flirting" is or why they did it to her.

As they kept flirting, Henry could see them from the training arena and he got mad. Very mad-

She saw him coming to the door but before she could say anything one of the guys grabbed her and pulled her close. That was Henry's last straw and he grabbed the guy before he could even say anything to her.

The guys backed away as he stood like a statue over them, holding the guy by the neck and staring him down.

"Never. Ever. Touch my friend again. Am. I. Clear?"

He nodded terrified and Henry dropped him with a gruff sound. The others quickly moved along as Henry checked her.

"Are you sure you're ok?"

She nodded in silence, never had she seen him so protective... Though she was unconscious the first time he showed his protective nature, but still! He wasn't usually that scary to those who came near her.

As he checked her and made sure she was calmed they both hear someone speak nearby,

"OoOoO! Looks like someone's got a crush on a lil' someone else!~"

They looked as Fornuca and Crystal were watching him hold her with one huge hand that easily covered a 4th of her backside. He growled,

"What are you girls talking about?"

They looked at one another and grinned,

"Well dummy, the way you marched over here it looked like you already had your ticket to the games and they were trying to steal it~"

They laughed some as his face became redder than a sunburned zebra. He was quick to deny such claims but as the rest came over they were quick to point out how ever since he met her he was extremely protective.

"You acted like a big tiger protecting it's food. You'd growl and show your extremely frightening teeth to anyone who you felt was gonna do something to her."

Jason said with a slight grin on his face as not everyone liked the idea of them being a thing. James stood with a disapproving and angry look on his face as his arms were crossed madly as well. Raven stood like Ella was her little sister and he was some random guy trying to take her to prom.

Henry again denied but it was no use as the group continued to point out everytime he was overprotective over her. He soon stormed off blushing bright red and angry leaving the Gang to watch with grins or frowns of disappointment on their faces.

Ella was greatly confused, having never experienced a relationship other than friendship she was unsure of what made him so red. She asked if he was angry and they said he probably was but mostly from embarrassment.

She was confused still and asked why they kept bringing up though instances when he acted in that way. But they told her she'd have to ask him herself though a few of the members didn't like the thought of course.

At lunch she came over to her favorite spot and sat down to eat. The same guys came over after making sure Henry wasn't there and crowded her.

She wasn't able to even eat as they kept her attention towards them and their "popularity". Then, of course, Henry came up and growled,

"What did I say?"

"I'm sorry. But I don't see a ring on her hand. She doesn't belong to you fella."

The guy and his group laughed while Ella was getting less and less personal space. That of course pissed him off-

Henry gently placed his tray down and told Ella to cover her ears and shut her eyes, which she nervously did so. Henry was quick with a beating to the pervs and sent them scurrying away in fear.

He pulled her hands down and told her she could look now. She looked around and saw she had plenty of personal space, thanking him for his help. With his cheeks turning red he told her not to worry and sat down eating with her.

Within days he was being more open to her about how he felt though she was slow to catch on of course. She of course began to act the same sweet way back to him whenever he did something nice or helped her with something.

It became clear to the group of guys she was now a taken lil' lady, and he had plenty of arms to hold onto her with.

Though their relationship began to grow, still much to a few of the Gang's dismay, it was obvious it wasn't going to end anytime soon.....

That is...
He hoped-

(To be continued in chapter 18)

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