Chapter 9: Community

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The group walked calmly along the wall path down to the community gathering below. The man spoke to Henry, "Take her to the medical area, tell them she's has lots of chemicals in her. She needs them neutralized or she's not going to have a good day tomorrow." Henry nodded and kept walking the wall path, heading towards an old Japanese style building with large Long dragons guarding the path and entrance of the building.

9583 immediately questioned him, "What do you mean by neutralized? You're going to experiment or-" He frowned, "Having experienced experiments on myself, no. She's going to have a non-chemical cure. You know, like they used to do in the days of the Natives."

6573 looked around at all the misfits gathered below, they didn't hide what they could do. From hovering over the ground, to freezing the mini fountain a few houses away from the big bonfire at the gathering area.

They made it down the path to the edge of the gathering place, the man spoke up and called everyone to pay attention, "Alright everyone! We have new people here. They escaped that huge facility a few hundred miles away. They've been through alot and need to know what it's like to be... normal. Now they'll be joining the festivities, help them out and remember! We are family down here!"

The crowd was ecstatic, new people meant new powers, and the little ones knew that full well. Quickly little ones rushed up to them and began to ask them loads of questions-
|So you know who's talking↓|
(9520 - 9583 - 6573)
"C-can you shoot lasers out of your eyes?!"
"Can you fly so high you touch the clouds Mister?"
"You look like your part dragon. Does that mean you eat gold? Can you breathe fire out your mouth like one?"
"Um I-"

The three couldn't even get a word in as they were swarmed by more little ones asking questions. The adults laughed for a bit before getting the little ones to leave the now very confused trio alone. They were brought over to a spot to sit down and a couple of people came over with a couple bowls of different breads.

They hesitated before taking something as a few little ones came up to them and proceeded to ask more questions, though to a lesser extent than before. As they ate their breads, a few guys came over with cooked sausages and fried chicken. They cautiously took one of whichever they chose and ate.

Their taste buds suddenly had full flavor, real flavor. Their eyes opened up and they looked at one another, astonished of how good it actually was. They ate till they were full and were soon told to head to the medical building to check on 3114.

They walked in the old looking building, looking around at different people sleeping in their medical beds. At the far right was 3114, chowing down on some large susi and a few Giant Takoyaki. She looked up at them and "spoke" through her full mouth, "Hey guys this is delicious! Have a piece!"

They were slightly confused but 9520 reached for a piece to try out since the other food had been so good. However a voice came and stopped him, "Excuse me? That's got her medicine in it. She's supposed to eat it all before morning. Doctor's orders."

They looked at the purple jacket wearing figure standing out of the light. She walked out of the shadows with her arms crossed. She had dark hair, slightly purple eyes and tiny wings attached to her back. They seemed to be from an actual bird, such as a dove or something small like that.

She had a strap across her back holding a sword with a bone handle in it. She didn't have the same kinda look the folk down at the festival did, instead she was more worn and clearly it wasn't her first time with her weapon of choice. "I hope you didn't bring any of those rotten experimenters with you. I'd hate to have to cut you in-"

"Alright enough Crystal! No more fighting just because. They came seeking safety, not a war."

A very old woman walked from the downstairs up, a shy looking, red striped winged girl helping her up. The old one shook her head then turned to the 4 friends, "I'm sorry young ones. She had great trouble trusting those she doesn't know. My name is Ora. I'm going to be helping you get back to full strength. I had a friend make some more sushi for all of you. Though it's going to be a minute before it gets up stairs of course."

The girl helped her sit down in the rocking chair in front of the bed, "So miss, how do you like it?" 3114 nodded as she ate one of her Takoyaki balls. She swallowed and quickly popped half of it in her mouth as she wished to stuff her self with all the good food.

The old one chuckled and shook her head with a smile, turning to the group, "I'm sure they gave you something to eat when you got to the festival correct?" They nodded, though still not really comfortable with Crystal staring them down as if they blew up the sun.

Ora began to have a little conversation with them, asking them their stories and how they escaped that terrible place. But still uncomfortable, not only from Crystal's death stare but from having no idea is they were truly safe from the evil outside the caves. They talked cautiously while they waited for the food to arrive from downstairs.

Though they were safe, they had a new problem to face.....

Fitting in-
(To be continued in chapter 10)

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