Chapter 2: The Others

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She had been experimented on for only 12 hours, though is felt like forever till the needles finally stopped being injected into her shoulder. She still felt great pain all throughout her body, she could even feel most of her organs in a deep pain.

She was lifted and transferred to a metal "bed" which began to take her down the hallways. She couldn't move, her body was in too much anguish and felt more tortured than she had ever been before in her life.

She winced at every tiny bump in the concrete floor as they took her to the holding rooms. The two double metal doors slid open, and she was laid down in the bed closest to the Specials proof doors. She looked over at the other Specials in the room, they were in their beds too, no blankets cause why would they be treated like they were equal to the woman running the place?

The woman looked up from her clipboard speaking to the 3 other Specials in the room, "Subject 3114-2956 will be new in your resting space. It is important for research so I suggest you leave It alone. Do not give It your food portions as It has a specific food It will be given. If you try anything upon It's body you will be terminated on site. Do you understand what is expected of you?"

They nodded, 3114 hated the words that came from the woman as she was called "It". They didn't care if she was dieing, they just wanted her for experiments and if she died they could simply get another for the tests. She watched as the woman and everyone but the other test subjects left the room.

She grumbled in pain, too much had been injected into her, those different chemicals were mixing together and reacting with her cells and tissues. The room had a clock, sunk into the wall across the room from her near the middle area so everyone could easily see what the time was.

Her eyes looked at the 4 Specials in the room... Wait, 4? She was confused, across the room from the end bed was another Special who had a drawing pad and a pure graphite pencil, meaning no wood on it. The girl in the bed a foot to her left spoke up, "He's moved room to room, there's a rumor that he can see the future. They say he's put in the same room with new-comers and is told to draw their futures...."

The girl had curled horns, almost like a ram, and large strapped and folded up things on her back. She had a big tail with black-ish colored scales, along with her ID numbers burned into the bottom side of it. It read: Subject 6573-92681

She readjusted in her bed, "Normally whenever someone gets added it's for them to test their serums on but for some reason I think their doing something different...."

"Ya their doing something different!" Said the guy on the girl's left, same amount of space was between them as it was with the two girls, "I heard their trying to make themselves immortal. Or even-"

He was cut off by the guy at his own left side, again same bed spacing, "No, their not trying to find immortality. That would technically make them Specials too. They don't wanna steep down to our levels." His voice was full of hate towards the organization around them, he had two things on his back strapped just like 6573 did.

He turned to his side facing the rest of the Specials, "I heard their using us to help make perfect formulas to create super-weapons. Ones powerful enough to take out the GPA... And anyone else they don't like."

The others looked at each other in slight shock of the thought of what he said but 3114 wasn't sure, "But, why? What would they gain from doing that? If it's a living weapon it'll eventually turn on them right?"

He shook his head unsure if the rumors were true, but he added to his statement, "I heard of an organization who's been attacking these facilities. Their name is unknown, but they have attacked different facilities and destroyed tons of serums and saved thousands of Specials just like us."

The other guy looked behind the head of the beds and looked out the oblong octagonal window towards the yard and the barbwire-eletrical fence that surrounded the compound, "How many Specials do you think were actually able to escape this place?"

The girl, 6537, spoke in an almost given up tone, "None. It's said those who are 'released' eventually have a kill switch activated and die before they get 1 mile away from the compound... Or atleast are implanted with tracking chips in them, allowing them to be found and re-secured."

3114 looked at the guys, searching for their numbers. The middle guy had his numbers on his arm, reading out to be: 9520-9709 and the other one had the numbers on his leg, reading out: 9583-3047.

The two boys talked about what the serums actual purpose was but 6573 wasn't the one to care, she was just tired of everything. She looked at 3114 before speaking up, "What experiments did they run on you?"

3114 shrugged, while hurting at the movement mind you, and shook her head, "Just serum testing. And sometimes surgery with my organs but mostly just serums."

6573 nodded, "Ya well, the serums here are different from other facilities. They change you... For better or worse." Just then they heard terrible yells, gunshots, then the alarms went off. The sirens blazed, their loud obnoxious sounds hurt 3114 as her brain was still full of mixing chemicals.

9583 quickly put his hand to the window, touching it only with 4 fingers as the metal cover from the top and bottom of it slide to shut, his fingers were unharmed but the metal covers dented, allowing him to peak out at the commotion outside. More gunshots were heard and yelling continued as the sound of trucks zoomed past the window through the yard of concrete.

Then he sighed, "Damn. Someone was trying to escape, several people actually..." 6573 spoke up, "They didn't make it out did they?" He shook his head disappointedly, causing everyone to grumble in disappointment.

They were hoping someone would escape to tell the GPA the story of what the terrible organization was doing to Specials but they usually never got past the fence. But of course, the facility was designed to be inescapable... Meaning they were likely to spend the rest of their lives in this place.

3114 didn't want to think about her future much longer, she shut her eyes and tried to relax as her body finally began to breakdown the chemicals like it would at the other facility she had been in.

She soon passed out, her body resting as it fought to protect her sensitive organs from the terrible tests performed on her. But rest wouldn't last for everyone else, as they one by one were taken away for their own experiments.

Yet none could know how big their futures actually were....

Or how much they'd be changed by it...

~To be continued in chapter 3~

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