Chapter 19: War 2/2

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The clashing of the heros versus the evil one were great, but the fighting down below? Even more so-

Heros from all across the GPA were there, freeing and protecting those who were still being experimented on. But the evil woman had other plans... Bigger plans-

As the Gang fought, the woman had managed to slip away through the chaos. She pressed a button on the control panel and smiled some,

"Enjoy the fun... heros."

They felt the ground shake as the guards started to retreat, knowing something was wrong James cut the straps and handed her to Henry,

"Don't let her out of your arms!"

Henry nodded in agreement as they all braced for what was to come...

From the ground, two large circles opened, revealing two creatures... One looked alot like Raven, just with green eyes and without the fur or horns. The other was big- Very big, with four arms and large, fangs from his mouth.

They growled and readied themselves for their order, to which the woman gave,

"Get back the girl with the gray hair, at any cost."

They obeyed, rushing forward and attacking as much as possible. James hollered to Henry,

"Get her out of here! NOW!"

The heros had knocked him back, the evil one was loosing- Something he didn't want of course, but they were starting to see he was getting weaker and weaker by the hour.

Each hit sent him flying as he barely did anything to them. He stood up, frustrated, angry, and very very not-in-the-brain,

"How dare you not fall to MY power!? I am the KING here!"

As he spoke the heart started to increase in speed, his chest started to glow more and more. He yelled with great anger,


He looked down as his chest was glowing just as the guard he had killed... He screamed in great pain and agony...

Then exploded into a black powered, leaving the heart behind... It faded and slowing dissolved into a light blue powered as it died... It was like the heart self-destructed in order to stop the fight.

Henry rushed through the woods, with the larger being following him, not willing to allow his master's wish to be unfulfilled. He managed to get ahead of Henry, forcing Henry to fight him.

Henry held her with his lower pair of arms and kept his upper four arms for fighting his enemy. The two were soon in a fist holding strength competition, their four hands holding tightly, neither wishing to stop or give in.

The rest of the Gang were having plenty of trouble with the other experiment. He could shoot blasts like Raven and could fly just as good as she could too.

He rushed forward as Raven rushed towards him, their skulls crashed together with a shockwave to follow. They growled at one another, their eyes with two different goals and mindsets.

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