Chapter 12: Start of A New Journey

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The group was asked to leave the old building and they did so in confusion. Walking out and towards their given house in silence as thought carried each of them by a thread.

Slowly they walked, Jason glanced at Raven then to James who also glanced to the two around him. Raven did the same, however she looked back at Ella who stayed silent at the back of the group. Her wings tucked against her sides, covering her up mostly as she was obviously taking the video of her past differently then they were of their's.

She stopped walking, as she stared at the ground. The others kept Raven from going back to her, knowing she needed time to process everything that happened. She watched the floor as a shadow began to leum over her.

She shyly looked back at Henry who could see she was distraught over something. He bent down and gently pulled her in, "Are you ok Miss?" Ella nodded though he could tell it was a lie. "What happened?"

She looked up at him and sadly down, "I didn't even have parents.... I was... I was grown in..." He pulled her in for a multi-armed hug, she dug her face into his stomach as she tearfully wept against him.

Her wings fell down slowly as she eventually relaxed and calmed down. He softly spoke as to keep her calm, "Don't worry about what they did. It's in the past. Right now.... Your family isn't decided by birth, it's decided by you."

His words were enough to make her smile and nod in agreement, "Y-ya... My family..." She looked back with her eyes to where her friends were, they were walking into the house. She sniffed and moved herself off of his body, no longer needing a hug.

She thanked him and he reminded her that the community wouldn't change just because her thoughts on herself did. She again thanked him using her wings she hid herself as she started to walk away.

The ground started to shake, the evil organization had found the group. Without second thought the caves were evacuated through thousands of exit tunnels and secret passages. The other 3 rushed out the building, "We have to go!"

Henry grabbed Ella, "Come with me! I know the best way to get far from these guys." The old one called, "Crystal and Rose shall join you on your journey! They will lead you out these caverns to safety! Everyone else, get moving! Material things are not as important as your life!"

Crystal stopped, "What of you?-" the old one pointed, "I am not of your concern young one. They are. I don't know what's about them but they need you. Go now!"

They left through a tunnel and for a while couldn't see anything. "Sure would be good with some light..." Jason whispered, but Crystal spoke up yet still in a whisper, "No! These tunnels are very important. We can't disturb these walls."

Confused James asked why but before she could give an answer they heard people rushing down the tunnels after them. They just had to run, no way of knowing if they were going to make it out alive or free.

As they ran Crystal began to answer his question, "The reason we don't light these tunnels is because there's a giant beast that lives here-" they suddenly slid to a stop as they felt the breath of a great beast upon them.

They looked back and just ran past the breaths as fast as possible. Praying to the heavens that it wouldn't turn to harm them. The ground shook as the beast stood up, the cries of great fear came and the sounds of a fight.... It was clear which side won as it let out a huge roar.

They rushed, the entire tunnels were closing all throughout the great mountain from the fury of the beast. They made it out the tunnel just as it collapsed entirely.

They stood up and kept going for some time before they all were exhausted. Settling down for a rest before proceeding into the night. Time was of the essence and they had one mission.

Find the GPA HQ.... And free many souls from their pain.

(To be continued in chapter 13)

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