Chapter 14: The Station

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They watched out the windows as the Earth stayed in place while they flew off from it's now multi-green surface. The heros grinned at the new recruits' reactions and knew they had alot to see.

The group was all excited to be on a new path, one where they could tell everyone what terrible things had been done to them so those who were in those horrible places could be free. But Ella was not doing so well...

Whatever happened down there made her too tired to look around much as her body seemed drained of energy. Crystal took notice immediately and Henry did as well. He reached forward and asked her if she was alright, to which she replied that she was tired and her head hurt.

One of the heros believed she had an imbalance of her natural "chemical" levels and asked if she had been given any expired medication. Though it was clear they had no clue what he meant by "medication".

Henry kept a huge hand on her shoulder as she began to dose off from the unknown exhaustion. Just then, as she fell asleep, they saw the huge bay doors open up and the ship landed.

They heard the giant doors shut behind them and they felt the pull of gravity as the space station had it's own pull to give to them. They unbuckled and Henry took Ella in his arms, shielding her as his instincts told him to.

The heros opened the hatch and showed them along to the hallway that would lead them to the main control area. As they did the heros recommend she be taken to med bay to insure she wasn't in any serious condition.

Henry and the group were unsettled by this separation but the heros assured them that she would be well taken care of. James told them that Henry had to go too and they agreed, one of the heros lead them away down another hallway to reach the medical bay quickly.

The group watched as the main heros argued over what the do with the new knowledge that they had been given over the issue they just now heard of. Some wanted to destroy the facilities but most declined as they didn't want normal people to believe they were attacking some innocent group of humans for no true reason.

James steady thought about what was going on, keeping his eyes up at the leader of the whole ordeal. The leader of the hero group was checking over their expressions as he put together a puzzle just as James was doing. They both could tell the argument was going nowhere so the leader of the hero group shut down his group.

The leader said they - the gang - would be trained and tested to see if they're words were true. If they were lieing, "Then we will see what our friend thinks of their hearts."

Suddenly the door at the right side of the room opened, "They are speaking the truth. Believe me."

They turned to an older woman, who used a staff of sorts to lean on. She was guarded by 2 Specials, one a grey haired guy with a rabbit pellet for a hat and a translucent girl with a rugged attitude. They were both respectful, well one to a degree, of the old one and clearly were in training themselves.

"I will have them taught. You will have a sleeping place for them. Do I make myself clear boys?" Her tongue was sharp and her eyes sharper, the leader sighed and agreed, allowing her to take them away with her and the unknown 2 with her.

The HQ was huge and they knew if they got lost it would take ages to find their way out. They walked past the medbay as they made their way to the training courts to test their abilities and knowledge/skills in a fight.

She lay on a soft mattress as she was scanned by a device that moved up and down the bed frame. It looked like something from Star Track or something like that. Henry watched as the doctor investigated her data on the screen.

"Alright, can you tell me her date of birth?"

Henry shook his head, "Sorry doc.... She wasn't born from a person..."

The doctor looked confused, "What do you mean?"

Henry hesitated, "She... Was made in a lab... By terrible people..."

The doctor took off his classes, his expression was of disbelief and confusion, "A... A lab?" Henry nodded and the doctor put a hand over his mouth as he thought for a moment.

He spoke, "There are high levels of chemicals that should have killed her by now. However it seems whatever is happening in her heart seems to be keeping her going."

Henry was confused, "In her heart? What do you mean?"

The doctor turned the monitor to him showing Henry the bright glow on her chest area, "The scanner is picking up an extreme light in the UV spectrum. She's literally burning the chemical mixture inside of her bloodstream."

(To be continued in chapter 15)

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