Chapter 3: Great Escape

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3114 spent many days in the operation room, they opened her chest without giving her anything to stop the pain. Their reason? The serums would be ineffective if she had medicine in her system..

For 10 days she had different surgeries to do with her heart and lungs. On the 10th day she was injected in her heart with a light blue, iridescent serum that hurt for a second, before her heart started to feel cool. As if she was relaxing in front of snowfall... It felt good.

But she was injected into each lung with a deep dark purple serum, a different syringe filled to the same level with the exact same serum as the other lung's injection. She winced in pain from the needle as she was sowed back up and one final injection was made into her spine.

This one had white serum, almost crystal looking. It began to make her ache more than ever before, her body was unable to slow the reaction as before with the other serums they usually gave her. This one felt like the scientist injected her with liquid fire.

She grumbled and groaned, trying hard to not scream. The ding sound of the mic turning on for the observation room came with the woman in charge speaking, "Muzzle It. The next serums with cause excess noise that may trigger other test subjects into extreme aggression."

3114's mouth and nose were covered by a special made cloth, designed to cause her no harm, but to keep her mouth shut. She was strapped down tighter and they began to inject her with more serums, blue, green, turquoise, they just didn't stop for hours.

Her screaming was muffled, nothing could be heard if you were standing a few feet away. She couldn't move, her body began to go numb from the pain and the chemicals mixing together. They worked and worked until they were done injecting her now weakened body.

Her vision was faulty, she couldn't see straight and it was blurry like a bad camera coming out of the ocean. She was laid on another transport bed back to the room. She slowly looked at the others in the room as they too have had more experiments run on them.

9583 was strapped down as tight as possible, he had a different kind of muzzle then the one she had been given. Her muzzle was removed and they left the room, she couldn't believe what was happening before her own eyes.

9583 was puffing smoke from his mouth, so was 6573, she was growling like her steak was cooked wrong. 9520 was strapped down more then the others, his movements were strange, it was like his body didn't know what friction was. It was blurry, almost like it was experiencing supernatural speed forces beyond what was thought to be possible.

3114 looked over to the unknown Special sitting and drawing on his note pad. He looked at them one at a time, looking down and drawing a few lines at a time, he wasn't scared, nor in a rush.

She grumbled, turning to 6573, through great intense pain she struggled to speak, "W-wh-what h-ha-h-hap-happened?" 6573 replied painfully, "I'm not sure. But I don't want stay and find out what he's drawing."

The future see-er looked up at the camera in the middle of the males side of the room and nodded.

The woman came along with soldiers who kept an eye on the pain filled test subjects. She took the note pad as he handed it to her, "Let's see what the future has in store for them shall we?" Her voice cold and heartless.

She began to flip though, her expression changing from confidence to confusion. She looked at the silent artist, "What do you think this is? A joke?" She was getting angry, but the artist shook his head slowly, "You wish for truth. And you shall have it."

He looked at the 3 who were straining against their restraints, "And they will have theirs as well." He lifted his right hand and snapped his fingers, disappearing like magic. Before they could react, 9583 broke free of his restraints, his eyes changed from angry, to fire red.

The woman in charge was frightened, and he wasn't, not anymore. He wasn't the only one to break free though. 9520 and 6573 got free as well, however 3114 was still unable to move due to the operation from earlier.

She was starting to lose consciousness as the serums began to work their chemical-magic. 6573 let out an angry growl, causing their captures to shake in fear. She carefully picked up 3114 bridal style, she looked at 9583, "Got her!"

The leader was furious, "Put It down right-" 9520 moved quickly, and put them in another room before she could even react. 9583 nodded to the others and punched the window, causing it to fall out in a very destroyed way.

They rushed out, making their way to the fence, 9520 was able to easily run and jump over the fence without even touching it and 9583 jumped with his great strength. 6573 also jumped over, though it seemed to be because of her hybrid body.

3114 wasn't able to stay awake as they rushed off into the forest. But somehow she knew......

Freedom was finally their's to have....

~To be continued in chapter 4~

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