Chapter 8: Refuge

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Although Henry didn't trust them and they didn't trust him, he still understood why they didn't trust him in the first place. I mean, think about it- You lose your friend and can't find them, all of a sudden some random person is carrying your sleeping friend to who-knows-where. Ya, you'd beat them up too.

She slowly stretched out her wings, then pulled them back against her side. 3114 wasn't awake yet, but that didn't seem to bother Henry. He enjoyed carrying such a small and soft individual, especially when they didn't freakout at the sight of him.

He yawned and grumbled, "We should be nearing the mountains." He said without looking up. The black clothed man stopped everyone before turning around, "We're here." He lifted his hand and presented the giant mountain range to the group.

"Remember, if you want to be sure we aren't followed, you must agree to forgo your past ways of life. Or else they might surely find you." The group looked at one another and knew they didn't want their past any longer. And so they agreed and he continued to lead them into the mountains.

The path was rough and dangerous, no vehicle could get them though, especially the evil organization hunting for them. The black clothed man didn't want to introduce himself in fear a drone from the enemy may hear it and try to destroy whatever peace is left in his life.

But, before the sun started to set, they made it.... to large stone doors in a small cave just out of sight from any passing aircraft or ground vehicle.

It wasn't much, looked like it had been thrown on there to act as a small defense to protect the folk inside. But the black clothed man leaned in and whispered to the door, "Arágahcoú." And the doors slide open, revealing a narrow path down a long dark tunnel.

Suddenly lights turned on at the end of the hallway, they had something to find their way through the dark. They walked and walked for what felt like miles down the tunnel, hearing the door shut behind them.

The light began to get brighter and brighter as it began to open up. Suddenly they could hear music playing, making them confused. Music? They'd only hear it whenever the scientists would want to block out their screams of pain and agony.

The black clothed man turned to Henry, "Take her to the medical area. I'm sure she'll need help diluting those chemicals they most likely put into her system."

Henry nodded and left off, leaving to a higher cliff with bridges stretching across the large opening the cave provided. The group looked around, it was more beautiful than anything they had ever experienced before in their lives. There were tons of Specials down there and all around the caves just living. Not for scientists or big experiments, but for themselves.

Finally, they had refuge from the storm....
9583 hopped it wasn't a lie. They all did.....

~To be continued in chapter 9~

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