Chapter 20: Finally

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The Gang stood around a grave, watching it for a long moment before one by one departing. The old one, Torga, stood holding the tiny clone of Ella in her arm. She turned and walked away to a bench and sighed relief for her old bones.

Henry sat silent, watching the sunset,

"Do you.... Do you think they know? Do you think she knows?"

The old one nodded,

"They know.... They truly do know... She knows."

"Careful, careful. You should recover your body strength in a few more weeks."

The physical therapist helped Ella lift an object up till it nearly hit her chest. She winced in pain as the therapist helped her put back down the object.

"Your body is gaining back muscle mass at a healthy rate. You'll be able to leave the infirmary soon to join back with your friends."


Her little voice was weak and she couldn't move much on her own.. When her blood had been drained, her body adjusted by taking some muscle tissue and making her body more physically weak as it used any energy available to heal her body's blood supply.

Her friends had went to burry the one who had created her and the little ones he had loved so much. Though he hadn't been able to save them all, there was at least two he made that survived.

Ella and the tiny thing being those two. The dragon special who Raven had tried to talk sense into was sitting nearby, the doctor explaining to him that his "kill switch" that the woman had added to his spin had been removed.

He was still shocked that he had been betrayed by the woman in charge but he was glad he had been saved by the Gang from his fantasy the organization had implanted into him.

Raven and the Gang came into the infirmary, surrounding the two and began to talk. Henry kept a huge hand on her shoulder, letting Ella know he was right there for her as she told the good news.

The new guy spoke up, though nervously,

"Is... I am f-rr-eend now?"

He struggled to speak as he was still learning new terms, but they agreed and it made him happy. They got Ella into a wheelchair as the doc told them to stay close to the medical area just in case something happened. Agreeing they took her out to the windows.

She smiled and watched the Earth spin in it's slow, quiet orbit. The new guy stayed close to Raven as he trusted her to tell him what was what and other important things. He has gone so long being told what to do he just wanted someone to keep him on the right track.

It had been a few months since the war and every Special that was experimented or about to be experimented on were finally free with the news of such terrible things being sent about to every country. Ensuring they knew what fate would become of them if they dared harm innocent lives.

The secret organization had remained a secret but the old one and several others had been found by the GPA... Dead... But their cause had been a success. Everyone was finally free, and no cruel group could ever.... EVER hurt them again.

Henry stood behind her wheelchair, his bottom hands comforting her and protecting her from anything that could happen. She looked up at him with her eyes as she saw his watchful eyes keeping guard over her fragile body.

A true guardian... A true friend..... Or... More?

And they, well, the group... they're just a true group of


(The end! :D)

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